CODTransparencyCommand Class

class CODTransparencyCommand: public CODCommand

Changes the Transparency of components.

Defined in: OdTransparencyCmd.h

Class Members

VIEWS_API CODTransparencyCommand(CODModel* pModel)


VIEWS_API virtual ~CODTransparencyCommand()


BOOL m_bTransparent

The transparent value to change the components to.

COLORREF m_clrTransparent

The transparent color to use for the components.

BOOL m_bSetTransparent

Non-zero indicates the transparency flag should be set.

BOOL m_bSetTransparentColor

Non-zero indicates the transparency color should be set.

CMap<CODComponent*,CODComponent*,BOOL,BOOL> m_mapOldTransparent

A map containing the old transparent values of the components. These are stored for undo purposes.

CMap<CODComponent*,CODComponent*,COLORREF,COLORREF> m_mapOldTransparentClr

A map containing the old transparent colors of the components. These are stored for undo purposes.

VIEWS_API BOOL GetTransparent() const

Gets the transparent value that the components will be switched to.

VIEWS_API void SetTransparent(BOOL bTransparent)

Sets the transparent value that the components will be switched to.

VIEWS_API COLORREF GetTransparentColor() const

Gets the transparent color that the components will be switched to.

VIEWS_API void SetTransparentColor(COLORREF clrTransparent)

Sets the transparent color that the components will be switched to.

VIEWS_API BOOL CmdGetTransparent() const

Gets whether the command is set to alter the transparency flag.

VIEWS_API void CmdSetTransparent(BOOL bSetTransparent)

Sets whether the command should alter the transparency flag.

VIEWS_API BOOL CmdGetTransparentColor() const

Gets whether the command is set to alter the transparency color.

VIEWS_API void CmdSetTransparentColor(BOOL bSetTransparentColor)

Sets whether the command should alter the transparency color.

VIEWS_API void ClearOldTransparentValues()

Removes all entries from the map of old transparency values.

VIEWS_API void ClearOldTransparentColorValues()

Removes all entries from the map of old transparency color values.

VIEWS_API BOOL GetOldTransparent(CODComponent* pComp, BOOL& bTransparent) const

Gets the old transparency for a particular component.

VIEWS_API void SetOldTransparent(CODComponent* pComp, BOOL bTransparent)

Sets the old transparency for a particular component.

VIEWS_API COLORREF GetOldTransparentColor(CODComponent* pComp, COLORREF& clrTransparent) const

Gets the old transparency for a particular component.

VIEWS_API void SetOldTransparentColor(CODComponent* pComp, COLORREF clrTransparent)

Gets the old transparency for a particular component.

VIEWS_API void ClearOldTranspValues()

Clears all old transparency flag values.

VIEWS_API void ClearOldTranspColorValues()

Clears all old transparency color values.

VIEWS_API virtual BOOL Execute()

Change the transparency state of the components.

VIEWS_API virtual BOOL Unexecute()

Restores the old transparency values of the components.

VIEWS_API virtual sfl::MvcCommand* Dup() const

Make a copy of this transparency command.

VIEWS_API virtual void Sprint(CString& strCmd)

Print information on this command for logging purposes.