TotalView® for HPC Installation Guide : Chapter 7 Installing a Demo License
Chapter 7 Installing a Demo License
NOTE >> These license setup instructions are for all platforms except Linux PowerLE and ARM64. For those platforms, see Chapter 3, "License Setup: Linux PowerLE & ARM64".
If you are using a product demo, before launching TotalView, place the demo license into the flexlm‑version directory. This license file license.demo is attached to the email message confirming your download request. If your email system didn’t retain this name, rename it after you save it to disk.
1. If you installed TotalView as the root user, become the root user again. If you used sudo to install TotalView, use sudo in the following step.
2. Copy the license file to the flexlm-version directory.
cp license.demo installdir/toolworks/flexlm-version
3. To test that TotalView can use the license file, type:
TotalView responds by displaying its Root window.
After you purchase TotalView, you will receive a permanent license.