Totalview® for HPC Reference Guide : PART I Using the CLI : Chapter 2 CLI Commands : dga
Displays Global Array variables
dga [ -lang lang_type ] [ handle_or_name ] [ slice]
Specifies the language conventions to use. Without this option, TotalView uses the language used by the thread of interest (TOI).
Specifies the language type to use when displaying a global array. The type must be either “c” or “f”.
Displays an array. This can be either a numeric handle or the name of the array. Without this argument, TotalView displays a list of all Global Arrays.
Displays only a slice (that is, part of an array). If you are using C, you must place the array designators within braces {} because square brackets ([]) have special meaning in Tcl.
The dga command displays information about Global Arrays.
If the focus includes more than one process, TotalView prints a list for each process in the focus. Because the arrays are global, each list is identical. If there is more than one thread in the focus, the CLI prints the value of the array as seen from that thread.
In almost all cases, you should change the focus tod2.<so that you don’t include a starter process such as prun.
Displays a list of Global Arrays, for example:
    Handle -1000
  Ghosts yes
  C type $double[129][129][27]
  Fortran Type \
  Handle -999
  Ghosts yes
  C type long[129][129]
  Fortran Type $integer(129,129)
dga bc_mask (:2,:2)
Displays a slice of the bc_mask variable, for example:
bc_mask(:2,:2) = {
    (1,1) = 1 (0x00000001)
 (2,1) = 1 (0x00000001)
 (1,2) = 1 (0x00000001)
 (2,2) = 0 (0x00000000)
dga -lang c -998 {[:1]{:1]}
Displays the same bc_mask variable as in the previous example in C format. In this case, the command refers to the variable by its handle.
Related Topics
Tools > Global Arrays Command
Debugging Global Arrays Applications