Totalview® for HPC User Guide : PART IV Advanced Tools and Customization : Chapter 20 Setting Up MPI Debugging Sessions : IBM MPI Parallel Environment (PE) Applications : Attaching to a PE Job : Attaching from a Node Running poe
Attaching from a Node Running poe
To attach TotalView to poe from the node running poe:
1. Start TotalView in the directory of the debug target.
If you can’t start TotalView in the debug target directory, you can start TotalView by editing the tvdsvr command line before attaching to poe. See "Setting the Single-Process Server Launch Command".
2. In the File > Attach to a Running Program, then find the poe process list, and attach to it by diving into it. When necessary, TotalView launches tvdsvrs. TotalView also updates the Root Window and opens a Process Window for the poe process.
CLI: dattach poe pid
3. Locate the process you want to debug and dive on it, which launches a Process Window for it. If your source code files are not displayed in the Source Pane, invoke the File > Search Path command to add directories to your search path.