New in TotalView® 8.14.1
TotalView 8.14.1 includes the following primary new or updated features. For a complete change history for TotalView, MemoryScape, and ReplayEngine, see the document “TotalView_Change_Log.pdf” in the PDF directory of your installation, or follow the link “TotalView New Features and Change Log” on the TotalView documentation page on the web site.
*CUDA 6.5. Support for CUDA version 6.5, including debugging applications that utilize the new Unified Memory feature. TotalView continues to support CUDA versions 6.0 and 5.5.
*CoArray Fortran. Partial support for CoArray Fortran (CAF) on Cray CCE.
*Extended support for type transformations. Added support on the Intel compiler for transforming the raw implementations of the unordered_map, unordered_set, unordered_multimap and unordered_multiset STL collection classes.
*Improved delayed symbol processing. Significantly improved performance when processing debug symbols on large executables, which tends to cause delays as all the information needed is acquired when performing various operations in a debugging session.
*Platform Updates. RedHat Enterprise Linux 7 on x86 64-bit and Power Linux; RedHat Fedora 20; Ubuntu Linux 14.04; Intel compiler 14.0.2; IBM XL Fortran 15.1, and IBM XLC 13.1.