Debug Options
Debug program options, including for parallel programs, include:
Reverse Debugging
Reverse debugging records all program state while the program is running, then allows you to roll back your program to any point.
The reverse debugging check box is visible only on Linux-x86-64 platforms. If you do not have a license for ReplayEngine, enabling the check box has no effect, and TotalView displays an error message when your program begins executing. Selecting this check box tells TotalView that it should instrument your code so that you can move back to previously executed lines.
Python debugging
The Python language is easily extensible with C and C++ code. This enables Python applications to access legacy algorithms, specialized hardware, and to perform highly specialized computing. TotalView supports debugging Python extensions, shows a clean set of stack frames across the language barriers, and allows both Python and C/C++ variables to be examined and compared.
Python debugging is supported only on Linux-x86-64 platforms.
Memory debugging
Locate many of your program’s memory problems, including leak detection, heap and event reports, and the ability to identify dangling pointers.
CUDA debugging
Detect global memory addressing violations and misaligned global memory accesses by enabling the CUDA Memory Checker feature.