Adding a Local Apache HTTP Server

This procedure describes how to add a local Apache HTTP server to Zend Studio for deploying applications.

For information on adding a Zend Server, see:


  • Locally installed Apache server



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To add a local Apache HTTP Server:

  1. From the Menu bar,  select Window | Show View | PHP Servers to add the PHP Servers view to your perspective.

  1. In the PHP Servers view, click on the Add icon .
    The PHP Server Creation dialog is displayed.

  1. Select Local Apache HTTP Server, and click Next.
    The Apache Server Details dialog is displayed.

  1. Enter the following details:
    • Server Name: Server name.
    • Configuration Directory: The path to the Apache configuration files (e.g. C:\Program Files\apache2\conf).
  1. Click Next.
    The Debugger Settings dialog is displayed.

  1. Select which server debugger you wish to debug with - Zend Debugger, XDebug (Default is <none>).
  2. Configure the debugger settings:

Zend Debugger:


  • Client IP(s)/Host - Enter a list of IP addresses for the machine hosting Zend Studio, and allowed to connect to the debugger.
    Click Configure to configure which IP addresses should be used for establishing a connection with the debugger.

  • Port - The port Zend Debugger attempts to connect on the host.
  • Response Timeout (ms) - Amount of time for attempting to establish a connection before the debugging session is timed out.
  • Enable Zend Debugger Tunneling - Select this option to configure tunneling to the server. For more information on these configurations, see Editing Zend Debugger Tunneling to the Server).
  • Port - The port Zend Studio listens on (default: 9000).

  • DBGp Proxy - select this check-box to use a DBGp proxy server for debugging:
    • IDE Key - IDE Key XDebug passes on to the DBGp debugger handler.
    • Proxy (Host:Port) - The IP and port for connecting to the DBGp proxy server.


These setting override global debugging settings (Window | Preferences | PHP | Debug | Debuggers | Zend Debugger/XDebug).

  1. To test the debugger settings at any time, click Test.
  1. Click Finish.
    Zend Studio adds the new server to the PHP Servers view.