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HydraExpress Web Service Development Guide
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5.3 Common Generator Options

The rwsfgen program provides support for various options and properties. This section introduces a few of the most common options and how to use them.

-projectname name Specify a name for the project. This option results in a HydraExpress project file named name. Required.
-h Lists generator options.
-outdir Places code into a named code generation directory. (Note: Use file paths and directory names without spaces.)
-noclean Does not clean up the directory and delete working files after code generation. Useful for troubleshooting.
-noclient Do not generate client-side files for a WSDL.
-noserver Do not generate server-side files for a WSDL.
-sourcepro Map XML Schema types to SourcePro C++ classes.
-whitespace Preserves whitespace such as line breaks and indentations, to make the marshaled datatypes more easily human readable.

The syntax for using an option is

Note that the arguments and properties must precede the file to be parsed, and that the projectname option is required.

For a full list of all supported options and more information on how to use them, see Section 20.6, "Generator Options."

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