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HydraExpress Web Service Development Guide
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9.3 Architecture of the Notification Classes

The implementation of a notification operation requires the client to take on additional functionality that is more typically server-like, while the server must take on additional functionality that is more typically client-like. The client must now have the ability to listen for an incoming message; the server, on the other hand, must be able to initiate a message.

In this way, notification blurs the traditional distinction between a client and a server. Clients become servers; servers become clients.

The following two diagrams illustrate the architecture of the generated client and server-side notification code.

Figure 5: Architecture of the generated client-side notification classes

At the top of the figure are the general client-side classes that are always generated for any message pattern. Below are the notification-specific classes. Note that the notification classes look like server-side classes, yet they are for use on the client. These classes give the client the required functionality to set up a listener to receive notification.

Additionally, two specialized configuration files are generated:

The server-side architecture looks like this:

Figure 6: Architecture of the generated server-side notification classes

At the top of the figure are the classes normally generated on the server side. Below is a special NotificationProxy class that is used to send a message to the client. No special configuration files are required on the server side.

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