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HydraExpress Web Service Development Guide
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Click on one of the letters below to jump immediately to that section of the index.

- | . | 1 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | X


-c flag
   location of configuration files [in 23.3.1 Standalone Server Options]
-d flag to start Agent servlet container in debug mode [in 23.2.5 Agent Options]
-h flag to return help [in 20.6 Generator Options]
-makefilename flag to specify makefile name [in 20.6 Generator Options]
-noclean option [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
-noclient options and makefiles [in 22.3.1 The -noserver, -noclient, and -nosample Options]
-noclientoption [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
-nomake option and makefiles [in 22.3.2 The -nomake Option]
-nosample option and makefiles [in 22.3.1 The -noserver, -noclient, and -nosample Options]
-noserver option and makefiles [in 22.3.1 The -noserver, -noclient, and -nosample Options]
-noserver option [in 22.2 The Default Generated Makefiles]
-noserveroption [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
-notoplevelclasses flag [in 20.6 Generator Options]
-noTopLevelClasses option [in 20.4.2 Generated Files]
-outdir flag to specify a directory for generated code [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
-projectname flag to specify a project name [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
-sourcepro option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
-standalone option to generate a standalone server [in 20.6 Generator Options]
-t flag
   standalone server option defining name of transport [in 23.3.1 Standalone Server Options]
-verbose option to output all informational messages [in 20.6 Generator Options]
-whitespace option [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
   included in example-project.xml [in Using the HydraExpress Project File to Set Options]
-wrapped [in 20.6 Generator Options]
-Xmx Java option for specifying heap size [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]


.lib files location [in The Lib Directory]
.so files location [in The Lib Directory]


12d and 15d tags in file names [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]


accepter-threads in standalone server [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
Agent servlet container
   multithread hot [in 8.3.1 Multithreading]
   ports [in 23.2.2 Agent Ports]
Agent [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   debug mode on Windows [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]
app directory in code generation directory [in The App Directory]
   of code after compiling [in Compiling Using the Makefile]
   of code generation directory => See HydraExpress code generation directory.
   of files generated from a WSDL [in 20.4.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
   of generated datatype classes [in 20.3.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
   of generated files [in 5.4 Generated Files]
   of libraries and binaries after compiling [in 22.5.2 Location of Generated Libraries and Binary Files]
   in SOAP encoded arrays [in A.5.1 SOAP-Encoded Arrays]
   in SOAP encoded arrays [in A.5.1 SOAP-Encoded Arrays]
   recursive [in A.5.3 Recursive Arrays]
   user-defined [in A.5.3 Recursive Arrays]
   start and stop methods [in 13.2.1 Using the Asynchronous API]
   used for asynchronous processing [in 13.2 The Asynchronous API]
asynchronous message patterns [in 13.1 Overview]
   [in 2.2.2 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
asynchronous messages [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   [in 2.2 Supporting a Dynamic System]
   Async example [in 13.3 The Async Example]
   class architecture [in 13.2 The Asynchronous API]
   multithread safety [in 11.6.1 A Note on Multithread Safety]
   naming conflicts [in 13.4 Asynchronous Method Naming Conflicts]
   service operation methods [in 13.2.1 Using the Asynchronous API]
   use of transports [in 13.2 The Asynchronous API]
asynchronous naming conflicts [in A.2.5.1 Possible Naming Conflicts with Asynchronous Clients]
attachments => See MIME attachments.
attribute [in 18.2 Session Management in the Agent's Servlet Container]
   client, HTTPS transport property ssl-certificate [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   client, HTTPS transport property ssl-private-key [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   password transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   server, HTTPS transport property ssl-certificate-chain [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   user transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   and security [in Authorization]
   listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
autoconfiguring listeners [in 11.4 Using an Autoconfigured Listener]


batch files
   for deploying MSVC projects [in 23.2.4 Deploying your Service Using MSVC Files]
bin directory in code generation directory [in The Bin Directory]
binary files
   location of after compiling [in 22.5.2 Location of Generated Libraries and Binary Files]
binding element, generated classes [in A.2.2 Client-Side Classes]
   C++ binding for XML datatypes [in 2.3 Handling of Complex Datatypes]
   for MIME [in Define the MIME Bindings]
   proxy in synchronous messages [in 13.1 Overview]
bound-host listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
bound-ip listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
bound-port listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
building => See compiling.
   => See compiling.
   debug, 15d [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]
   release,12d [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]


C++ data binding
   generated sample application [in Sample Application Files]
CallInfo [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   [in 4.3.1 Add the SOAP Header to the Generated Client]
   isClient() method [in 14.2.3 Response Handlers]
   isRequest() method [in 14.2.3 Response Handlers]
   rwsf::FaultMessage property [in 14.2.4 Fault Handlers]
   stopMessageProcessing method [in Aborting Handler Processing]
   used in message handlers [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
   used in session management [in 18.2 Session Management in the Agent's Servlet Container]
cancel-session transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
chaining handlers [in 14.5 Chaining Handlers]
   client-side process order [in 14.5.1 Chaining Handlers on the Client]
   stop processing [in Aborting Handler Processing]
character encoding
   customizing in project file [in Providing Customized Type Mappings to the Code Generator]
   using non-UTF-8 encodings [in 19.1 Overview]
child elements
   controlling the xsi:Type attribute [in 20.6 Generator Options]
class attribute of transport element [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
   CallInfo [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   client proxy [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
   DefaultLogger [in 12.3.1 Configuring and Using a Client Logger]
   generated <binding>Skeleton [in A.2.3 Server-Side Classes]
   generated <port>ClientProxy [in A.2.2 Client-Side Classes]
   generated <port>ServletBase [in A.2.3 Server-Side Classes]
   generated <portType>Base [in A.2.3 Server-Side Classes]
   generated for a web service [in A.2 File Generation Conventions]
   HandlerManager [in 12.3.1 Configuring and Using a Client Logger]
   HttpTransport [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   message handler API [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
   MessageServiceImp [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   ProxyBase, generated from binding element [in A.2.2 Client-Side Classes]
   RWCString [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
   RWDate [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
   RWDateTime [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
   RWDecimalPortable [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
      [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
   server sample implementation [in 8.2.2 Using the Server Implementation]
   TimeSpan [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
   XmlName [in 15.3.1 Client-Side Code]
cleanup, disabling during code generation [in 20.6 Generator Options]
client authentication
   HTTPS transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
client subdirectory in code generation directory [in The Codegen Directory]
   [in The App Directory]
client-handlers.xml file
   configuring a client logger [in 12.3.1 Configuring and Using a Client Logger]
   configuring client handlers [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
   generated for notification [in 10.4.4 Implementing the Client-Side Notification and Solicit-Response Endpoints]
      [in 9.3 Architecture of the Notification Classes]
   overview [in 2.2.1 Configurable Transports and Message Handlers]
   role in message handler API [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
client-handlers.xml in conf directory [in The Conf Directory]
   customizing [in 7.3.8 Customizing the Client Configuration Files]
client-objects.xml in conf directory [in The Conf Directory]
   adding properties for standalone server [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
   concept [in 2.2.1 Configurable Transports and Message Handlers]
   customizing [in 7.3.8 Customizing the Client Configuration Files]
   in conf directory [in The Conf Directory]
clients [in 10.3.2 The Solicit-Response and Notification Operations]
   => See also web service client.
   adding custom SOAP header [in 15.3.1 Client-Side Code]
   adding handlers [in 14.4.3 Add the Handlers to the Proxy]
   authorization [in Authorization]
   building just client components [in 22.5.1 Building just a Client or Server]
   class generation details [in A.2.2 Client-Side Classes]
   client proxy class [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
      [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
   compiling [in 7.2.5 Compiling and Deploying the Client]
   generated client-side files [in Client Classes]
   generated implementation base class <portType>Base [in A.2.3 Server-Side Classes]
   generated sample application [in A.2.2 Client-Side Classes]
   invoking [in 3.5.3 Testing the Service]
      [in 3.5.3 Testing the Service]
      [in 8.2.5 Testing the Service]
      [in 8.2.5 Testing the Service]
   logging [in 15.3.3 Viewing the Results]
      [in 7.3.6 Client-Side Logging]
      [in 8.3.5 Server-Side Logging]
   message handler processing order [in 14.5.1 Chaining Handlers on the Client]
   multithreading [in 7.3.2 Multithreading]
   proxy, overview in Hello World example [in 3.4.1 The Client Proxy]
   request-response implementation [in 10.4.2 The Request-Response Service Operation Call]
   sample application [in 2.1 Overview]
   secure [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
      [in HTTPS Support]
      [in HTTPS Support]
   SOAP message example [in 15.3.3 Viewing the Results]
   writing to a log [in 12.3 Logging in Client Code]
code generation directory [in 21.3 The Code Generation Directory]
code generation
   architecture of files generated from a WSDL [in 20.4.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
   classes generated for a web service [in A.2 File Generation Conventions]
   complex types [in A.4 Complex Types]
   creating standalone sample server [in 23.3 Standalone Server Implementations]
   deployment descriptor [in 2.1 Overview]
   documentation of generated code [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   for multiple Schemas or WSDLs [in 20.5 Generating Code with Multiple Schemas or WSDLs]
   from WSDL [in 20.4 Invoking the Generator with a WSDL File]
      [in 20.4 Invoking the Generator with a WSDL File]
   from XML Schema [in 20.3 Invoking the Generator with an XML Schema]
   invoking rwsfgen [in 3.3 Invoking the Generator]
      [in 5.2 Invoking the Code Generator]
      [in 7.2.2 Invoking the Generator]
      [in 8.2.1 Invoking the Generator]
   long generation times for large schemas [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
   makefiles [in 2.1 Overview]
   MSVC project files [in 2.1 Overview]
   naming conventions for method a parameter names [in A.2.5 Methods and Parameters]
   options [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   property precedence [in 20.6.3 Conflicting Options and Property Precedence]
   reducing generation time [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
      [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
      [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
      [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   sample implementations [in 2.1 Overview]
code generator
   adding options to project file [in Using the HydraExpress Project File to Set Options]
   common options [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
   comprehensive list of generated files [in 20.3.2 Generated Files]
   detailed procedure for invoking [in 20.2 Invoking the Generator]
   getting started [in 5.2 Invoking the Code Generator]
   list of generated files [in 3.3 Invoking the Generator]
   location of generated files [in 5.4 Generated Files]
code reuse [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
code samples
   adding a custom SOAP header [in 15.3.1 Client-Side Code]
   client proxy header file [in Looking at the Code]
   client proxy source file [in Using the Client Proxy]
   implementing transport pure virtual methods [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   modifying a custom SOAP header [in 15.3.2 Server-Side Code]
   one-way message [in Implementing the Call to the Notification Endpoint]
   SOAP message from log file [in 15.3.3 Viewing the Results]
   transport switching at runtime [in 11.5.1 Selectable Transports and Listeners]
   transports configuration file [in 10.4.5 Transport Configuration File Supporting Notification]
      [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
   using header data to set a condition [in 11.5.1 Selectable Transports and Listeners]
   using loggers [in 12.3 Logging in Client Code]
codegen directory in code generation directory [in The Codegen Directory]
command line:-wrapped option [in 8.3.8 Wrapped Style Operations]
command line
   generating a full web service [in 10.2.1 Code Generation Outputs]
   generating a server [in 8.2.1 Invoking the Generator]
common subdirectory in code generation directory [in The Codegen Directory]
   basic web service application [in 3.5 Compiling and Running the Application]
   generated code, instructions [in 22.2 The Default Generated Makefiles]
   generated makefiles [in 2.1 Overview]
   MSVC projects [in 22.7 Using MSVC Project Files]
   options [in 22.1 Overview]
   procedure using makefiles [in 22.5 Procedure for Building with the Makefiles]
   servers [in 8.2.3 Compiling the Service]
   simple overview using Hello World example [in 3.5 Compiling and Running the Application]
   using MSVC [in Compiling Using MSVC]
   web service client [in 7.2.5 Compiling and Deploying the Client]
   web service [in 10.5 Running the Service]
complex datatypes [in 2.3 Handling of Complex Datatypes]
   example of web service that uses [in 9.1 Overview]
   generated code [in A.4 Complex Types]
   components shipped with HydraExpress [in 7.4 Next Steps]
      [in 7.4 Next Steps]
   Threads Module [in 7.3.2 Multithreading]
conf directory in code generation directory [in The Conf Directory]
Config [in 11.7.1 Request Handling and Threading]
   connector properties [in 11.7.1 Request Handling and Threading]
configuration file
   custom listener [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   custom transport [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   transports [in 10.4.5 Transport Configuration File Supporting Notification]
configuration files
   customizing [in 7.3.8 Customizing the Client Configuration Files]
   generated into conf directory [in The Conf Directory]
   option to define alternate location [in 23.3.1 Standalone Server Options]
connect-timeout transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
custom transports
   header support [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   configuration files [in 7.3.8 Customizing the Client Configuration Files]
   mappings to code generator [in Providing Customized Type Mappings to the Code Generator]
   of makefiles [in 22.3 Makefile Options]
   of project file [in 21.2 The Project File]
   of servlets [in 23.4 About the Servlet Used by the Service]


data binding
   mapping xsd:simpleTypes to C++ types [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
data subdirectory in code generation directory [in The Codegen Directory]
   [in The App Directory]
   architecture of generated classes [in 20.3.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
   complex [in 2.3 Handling of Complex Datatypes]
   generated documentation [in 6.3.2 The Generated Data Classes]
   list of classes generated [in 6.3.2 The Generated Data Classes]
   overview on generated classes [in 6.3.2 The Generated Data Classes]
   SOAP-encoded built-in types [in A.5.2 SOAP-Encoded Built-in Types and References]
   XML binding [in 2.1 Overview]
   debug makefiles [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]
   on UNIX [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]
   on Windows [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]
DefaultLogger [in 12.3.1 Configuring and Using a Client Logger]
Denial of Service, using threadpools [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
   deployment batch file procedure (MSVC projects only) [in Deploying Services Compiled with MSVC Project Files]
      [in Deploying Services Compiled with MSVC]
   Hello World example [in 3.5.2 Deploying the Service]
   makefile procedure [in Deploying with the makefile]
      [in Deploying with the Makefile]
   services compiled with MSVC [in Deploying Services Compiled with MSVC Project Files]
   using makefile [in 23.2.3 Deploying your Service with the Makefile]
   web service [in 10.5 Running the Service]
   web services [in 3.5.2 Deploying the Service]
deployment [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   generated descriptor [in 2.1 Overview]
   servers [in 8.2.4 Deploying the Service]
      [in 8.2.3 Compiling the Service]
   structure of code generation directory => See HydraExpress code generation directory.
docs directory in code generation directory [in The Docs Directory]
   generated HTML documentation for generated code [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
      [in 2.1 Overview]
   of generated datatype classes [in 6.3.2 The Generated Data Classes]
   option to not generate [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
      [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   viewing generated [in HTML Documentation]
      [in HTML Documentation]
dynamic services [in 2.2 Supporting a Dynamic System]
dynamic switching at runtime [in 2.2.4 Dynamic Switching at Runtime]


element, wrapped [in 8.3.8 Wrapped Style Operations]
   customizing in project file [in Providing Customized Type Mappings to the Code Generator]
   handling of SOAP encoding [in A.5 SOAP Encoding]
   internationalization support [in 19.1 Overview]
   non-UTF-8 character encodings => See character encodings.
error pages, configuring [in 23.4 About the Servlet Used by the Service]
escaping text
   property doEscape [in 8.3.9 Turning off Text Escaping to Improve Performance]
   turning off in a service [in 8.3.9 Turning off Text Escaping to Improve Performance]
   turning off in client [in 7.3.7 Turning off Text Escaping to Improve Performance]
etc subdirectory in code generation directory [in The Codegen Directory]
   custom project file included in shipped examples [in Using the HydraExpress Project File to Set Options]
   adding a locale to a SOAP header [in 4.3 Add a Special SOAP Header]
   adding security [in 4.1 Overview]
   adding SOAP headers [in 4.1 Overview]
   asynchronous [in 13.3 The Async Example]
   configuring standalone servers [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
   creating custom handlers [in 14.4 Creating Your Own Handlers]
   data main in Weather Summary [in 6.3.4 The Data "main" Sample Application]
   header processing [in 15.3 SOAP Headers Example]
   Hello World basic example [in 3.1 Overview]
   Hello World web service client [in 3.2 Service Description]
   invoking rwsfgen with WSDL [in 20.4 Invoking the Generator with a WSDL File]
   invoking rwsfgen [in 3.3 Invoking the Generator]
      [in 5.2 Invoking the Code Generator]
      [in 7.2.2 Invoking the Generator]
      [in 8.2.1 Invoking the Generator]
   log file for adding SOAP header [in 15.3.3 Viewing the Results]
   modifying session data in CallInfo object [in 18.3 Manipulating a Service's Session Data]
   project file [in 21.2.1 A Sample Project File]
   server implementation base class header file [in The Generated Abstract Base Class]
   switching transports at runtime [in 11.5.1 Selectable Transports and Listeners]
   web.xml customization [in 23.4 About the Servlet Used by the Service]
   wrapped document style [in Developing a WSDL to Support the Wrapped Style]
Exception [in 8.3.3 Error Reporting and WSDL-Defined Faults]
   [in 8.3.3 Error Reporting and WSDL-Defined Faults]


   defined in WSDL [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
      [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   FaultMessage property of CallInfo [in 14.2.4 Fault Handlers]
   message handlers for processing [in 14.2.4 Fault Handlers]
   messages based on WSDL-definition [in 8.3.3 Error Reporting and WSDL-Defined Faults]
   ServerFault class [in 14.2.4 Fault Handlers]
fault_message.cpp generated for faults [in The Codegen Directory]
file argument to rwsfgen [in 20.2 Invoking the Generator]
file naming conventions
   12d and 15d tags [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]
files, list of generated [in 3.3 Invoking the Generator]
   batch file for deploying servers [in Deploying Services Compiled with MSVC]
   client log [in 15.3.3 Viewing the Results]
   client-handlers.xml [in 12.3.1 Configuring and Using a Client Logger]
      [in 2.2.1 Configurable Transports and Message Handlers]
   client-transports.xml [in 2.2.1 Configurable Transports and Message Handlers]
   handlers.xml [in 2.2.1 Configurable Transports and Message Handlers]
   objects.xml [in 14.4.4 Register the Handlers]
      [in 2.2.3 Support for Named Objects]
   server-transports.xml configuration file [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
   tserver-transports.xml configuration file [in 2.2.1 Configurable Transports and Message Handlers]
fwd.h forward declares for generated classes [in The Include Directory]


generated code
   deployment descriptor [in 2.1 Overview]
   extending through named objects [in 2.2.3 Support for Named Objects]
   generated HTML documentation describing [in 2.1 Overview]
   role of message handlers [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]


HandlerManager class
   used in logging [in 12.3.1 Configuring and Using a Client Logger]
handlers => See message handlers.
handlers.xml configuration file for servlet [in Server Classes]
   [in 23.4 About the Servlet Used by the Service]
handlers.xml in conf directory [in The Conf Directory]
handlers.xml [in 2.2.1 Configurable Transports and Message Handlers]
   overview [in The handlers.xml Configuration File]
   role in message handler API [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
   how invoked in Agent [in 14.2 Types of SOAP Handlers]
   rwsf::CallInfo [in 14.2.3 Response Handlers]
header files
   client proxy [in Looking at the Code]
   server implementation base class [in The Generated Abstract Base Class]
   SOAP message headers [in A.6 SOAP Headers]
headers => See also SOAP headers and transport headers.
headers, adding SOAP headers example [in 4.1 Overview]
   support for SOAP and transport headers [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   using header data to set a condition [in 11.5.1 Selectable Transports and Listeners]
Hello World WSDL [in 3.2 Service Description]
help flag to return help during code generation [in 20.6 Generator Options]
host listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
HTML documentation for generated code [in 2.1 Overview]
   viewing the generated documentation [in HTML Documentation]
      [in HTML Documentation]
HTTP headers [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
HTTPS protocol support [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   [in HTTPS Support]
   adding to Web service [in 4.2 Add a Secure Transport]
HttpSession [in 18.2 Session Management in the Agent's Servlet Container]
HttpTransport [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
HydraExpress project file
   adding options directly [in Using the HydraExpress Project File to Set Options]
      [in 20.6.1 Adding Options and Customized Mappings to the HydraExpress Project File]
   customization [in 21.2 The Project File]
   example-project.xml included in shipped examples [in Using the HydraExpress Project File to Set Options]
   overview [in 20.2.1 Introduction to the HydraExpress Project File]
   property precedence [in The HydraExpress Project File]


   sending as attachments [in 17.1 Overview]
   changing default web service implementation name [in 8.3.7 Using a Different Implementation Name]
   issues for servers [in 8.3 Further Options]
   one-way message [in Implementing the Call to the Notification Endpoint]
   servers [in 8.2.2 Using the Server Implementation]
   SOAP and transport header support [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   transports as named objects [in 16.2 How HydraExpress Uses Named Objects]
   web service with notification [in 10.3 Implementing the Service]
include directory in code generation directory [in The Include Directory]
   parameters (init-params) [in 23.4 About the Servlet Used by the Service]
internationalization of your applications => See also character encoding.
   code generator to produce a full service [in 10.2.1 Code Generation Outputs]
   web service client [in 8.2.5 Testing the Service]
isClient() method [in 14.2.3 Response Handlers]
isRequest() method [in 14.2.3 Response Handlers]
isStopped() method to determine if listener is stopped [in 23.3.3 Shutting down a Standalone Server]


   option for specifying heap size [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
   RW_JAVAOPT environment variable [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]


keep-alive listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]


lib directory in code generation directory [in The Lib Directory]
   adding third-party libraries to makefile [in 20.6.2 Adding Outside Libraries, Includes or Compiler Properties to a Project]
library files
   location of after compiling [in 22.5.2 Location of Generated Libraries and Binary Files]
   as a standalone server [in 23.3 Standalone Server Implementations]
   autoconfiguring [in 11.4 Using an Autoconfigured Listener]
   configuring a custom listener [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   registration macro [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   adding in a SOAP header [in 4.3 Add a Special SOAP Header]
log.out file [in 15.3.3 Viewing the Results]
   default [in 12.4.1 Using the Global Agent Logger in Service Code]
   global [in 12.4.1 Using the Global Agent Logger in Service Code]
   levels, definitions of [in 12.2 Web Service Logger Levels]
logging [in 12.1 Overview]
   [in 7.3.6 Client-Side Logging]
   client-side configuration file [in Handlers Configuration File: client-handlers.xml]
   client-side logging [in 15.3.3 Viewing the Results]
   log file rwsfgen.log [in 20.3 Invoking the Generator with an XML Schema]
      [in 20.4 Invoking the Generator with a WSDL File]


   RWSF_DEFINE_MESSAGE_HANDLER [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
      [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
      [in 14.4.4 Register the Handlers]
   RWSF_DEFINE_STATIC_MESSAGE_HANDLER [in 12.3.1 Configuring and Using a Client Logger]
makefile.include include makefile [in 20.6.2 Adding Outside Libraries, Includes or Compiler Properties to a Project]
   [in 21.3.1 The Top-Level Code Generation Directory]
   [in 22.2 The Default Generated Makefiles]
makefiles [in 2.1 Overview]
   [in C++ Makefiles]
   [in 22.2 The Default Generated Makefiles]
   debug [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]
   default generated [in 22.2 The Default Generated Makefiles]
   deploying [in 23.2.3 Deploying your Service with the Makefile]
   include makefile makefile.include [in 20.6.2 Adding Outside Libraries, Includes or Compiler Properties to a Project]
   option for not generating [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   procedure to build [in 22.5 Procedure for Building with the Makefiles]
   specifying name for during code generation [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   using to deploy a server [in Deploying with the makefile]
      [in Deploying with the Makefile]
manifest.xml manifest file location [in The Codegen Directory]
   schema xsd simple types [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
   SOAP-encoded built-in types [in A.5.2 SOAP-Encoded Built-in Types and References]
mappings element in project file [in Providing Customized Type Mappings to the Code Generator]
   customizing datatype mappings for code generator [in Providing Customized Type Mappings to the Code Generator]
Marshaler parent class for generated marshalers [in 20.3.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
   marshal() method in generated datatype classes [in 6.3.2 The Generated Data Classes]
   option to eliminate whitespace [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   provided by generated classes [in 20.3.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
   testing with sample application [in Sample Application Files]
message handler chains [in 2.2.1 Configurable Transports and Message Handlers]
   modifying session data [in 18.3 Manipulating a Service's Session Data]
message handlers [in 14.1 Overview]
   aborting processing [in Aborting Handler Processing]
   adding to client [in 14.4.3 Add the Handlers to the Proxy]
   API classes [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
   as named objects [in 16.2 How HydraExpress Uses Named Objects]
      [in 16.2 How HydraExpress Uses Named Objects]
      [in 16.2 How HydraExpress Uses Named Objects]
   chaining process order on client [in 14.5.1 Chaining Handlers on the Client]
   chaining [in 14.5 Chaining Handlers]
   configuring [in 14.4.5 Configure the Handlers]
      [in 2.2.1 Configurable Transports and Message Handlers]
   creating a custom handler [in 14.4 Creating Your Own Handlers]
   creating a request handler [in Creating a Request Handler]
   creating a transport handler [in Creating a Transport Handler]
   description of types [in 14.2 Types of SOAP Handlers]
   dynamic [in 2.2 Supporting a Dynamic System]
   fault handlers defined [in 14.2.4 Fault Handlers]
   handlers example [in 14.4 Creating Your Own Handlers]
   logging handler [in 7.3.6 Client-Side Logging]
      [in 8.3.5 Server-Side Logging]
   manipulating session data [in 18.3 Manipulating a Service's Session Data]
   registering in objects.xml [in 14.4.4 Register the Handlers]
   request handlers defined [in 14.2.2 Request Handlers]
   response handlers defined [in 14.2.3 Response Handlers]
   role in architecture of generated classes [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
   runtime switching [in 2.2.4 Dynamic Switching at Runtime]
   stopping the processing chain [in Aborting Handler Processing]
   transport handlers defined [in 14.2.1 Transport Handlers]
   using a handler for both requests and responses [in 14.2.3 Response Handlers]
message headers
   SOAP [in A.6 SOAP Headers]
message package
   and MIME [in 17.2 The SOAP with Attachments Specification]
message pattern, notification [in The Conf Directory]
message patterns [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   [in 2.2 Supporting a Dynamic System]
   defined by WSDL [in 9.1 Overview]
   defined [in 2.2.2 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
   notification described [in 9.2.4 The Notification Pattern]
   notification example [in 9.1 Overview]
   one-way messages described [in 9.2.3 The One Way Pattern]
   one-way messages example [in 9.1 Overview]
   request-response described [in 9.2.2 The Request-Response Pattern]
   solicit-response described [in 9.2.5 The Solicit-Response Pattern]
   synchronous versus asynchronous [in 2.2.2 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
MessageAttachment [in 17.3.3 Generate Code and Manipulate the Attachment]
MessageHandler [in Client Classes]
   derive from to create custom handler [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
   used in message handlers [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
   used in message handlers [in 14.3 The Message Handler API]
   asynchronous [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
      [in 2.2 Supporting a Dynamic System]
   fault messages defined in WSDL [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
      [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
      [in 8.3.3 Error Reporting and WSDL-Defined Faults]
   processing of by message handlers [in 2.2.1 Configurable Transports and Message Handlers]
   runtime switching [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
MessageServiceImp [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
MIME attachments
   binding [in Define the MIME Bindings]
   overall [in 17.3 Working with Attachments]
   SwA specification [in 17.1 Overview]
MSVC project files
   deploying service compiled using [in Deploying Services Compiled with MSVC]
   overview [in 2.1 Overview]
MSVC projects
   deploying [in Deploying Services Compiled with MSVC Project Files]
   files generated for your platform [in MSVC Project Files]
   generated files [in 22.2 The Default Generated Makefiles]
   how to build [in 22.7 Using MSVC Project Files]
   and MIME [in 17.2 The SOAP with Attachments Specification]
multiple WSDLs and Schemas, generating code with [in 20.5 Generating Code with Multiple Schemas or WSDLs]
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions => See MIME
   standalone server [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
   Agent servlet container [in 8.3.1 Multithreading]
   safety in asynchronous services [in 11.6.1 A Note on Multithread Safety]
   servers [in 8.3.1 Multithreading]
   web service clients [in 7.3.2 Multithreading]
mustUnderstand attribute in SOAP message headers [in A.6 SOAP Headers]


name attribute of transport element [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
named objects [in 2.2 Supporting a Dynamic System]
   general concepts [in 2.2.3 Support for Named Objects]
   message handlers [in 16.2 How HydraExpress Uses Named Objects]
   used to implement transports [in 16.2 How HydraExpress Uses Named Objects]
   collisions [in 20.5.1 A Note on Namespace Collisions]
   customizing in project file [in Providing Customized Type Mappings to the Code Generator]
naming conflicts
   asynchronous methods [in 13.4 Asynchronous Method Naming Conflicts]
   in asynchronous clients [in A.2.5.1 Possible Naming Conflicts with Asynchronous Clients]
naming conventions
   changing default name of web service implementation [in 8.3.7 Using a Different Implementation Name]
   method and parameter names in generated code [in A.2.5 Methods and Parameters]
   specifying a project name during code generation [in 20.6 Generator Options]
      [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
nested arrays => See recursive arrays.
notification message pattern [in 9.1 Overview]
   described [in 9.2.4 The Notification Pattern]
notification [in 7.3.8 Customizing the Client Configuration Files]
   and asynchronicity [in 13.1 Overview]
      [in 9.2.6 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
   classes [in 9.3 Architecture of the Notification Classes]
   example web service [in 9.1 Overview]
   implementing a service supporting [in 10.3 Implementing the Service]
   message pattern [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
      [in 2.2.2 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
      [in The Conf Directory]
   properties for standalone server [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
   proxy [in 10.3.2 The Solicit-Response and Notification Operations]


obj subdirectory in code generation directory [in The Codegen Directory]
objects.xml file [in 14.4.4 Register the Handlers]
   [in 2.2.3 Support for Named Objects]
objects.xml in conf directory [in The Conf Directory]
one-way message pattern [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   [in 2.2.2 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
   [in 9.1 Overview]
   described [in 9.2.3 The One Way Pattern]
one-way messages
   and asynchronicity [in 13.1 Overview]
      [in 9.2.6 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
   asynchronous [in 13.3.2 Implementing the One-Way Method Asynchronously]
   example of web service that uses [in 9.1 Overview]
   example web service [in 9.1 Overview]
   implementing a service with [in 10.3 Implementing the Service]
   implementing [in Implementing the Call to the Notification Endpoint]
   method parameters correspond to WSDL part names [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
      [in 8.2.2 Using the Server Implementation]
   web service as C++ method calls [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
      [in 8.2.2 Using the Server Implementation]
   adding directly to project file [in Using the HydraExpress Project File to Set Options]
      [in 20.6.1 Adding Options and Customized Mappings to the HydraExpress Project File]
   code generation [in 20.2 Invoking the Generator]
      [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   command line options override other options [in Command Line Options]
   common code generator [in 5.3 Common Generator Options]
   defining alternate transport location in standalone server [in 23.3.1 Standalone Server Options]
   for deployment [in 23.1 Overview]
   for rwsfserver [in 23.2.5 Agent Options]
   in project file [in 21.2.3 Creating a Customized Project File for Special Generation Options]
   Java options using RW_JAVAOPT environment variable [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
   makefiles [in 22.3 Makefile Options]
   property precedence [in 20.6.3 Conflicting Options and Property Precedence]
   rwsfserver startup script [in 23.2.5 Agent Options]
   standalone server [in 23.3.1 Standalone Server Options]
   implemented through custom headers [in 15.4 Uses for Header Support]
overwrite protection
   bin not overwrite protected [in The Bin Directory]


part names in WSDL become parameters in operation methods [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
   [in 8.2.2 Using the Server Implementation]
password transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
PDF documents
   sending as attachments [in 17.1 Overview]
   escaping text [in 7.3.7 Turning off Text Escaping to Improve Performance]
      [in 8.3.9 Turning off Text Escaping to Improve Performance]
   long generation time for large schemas [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
   multithreading in Agent servlet container [in 8.3.1 Multithreading]
   multithreading in web service clients [in 7.3.2 Multithreading]
   reducing code generation time [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
      [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
      [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
      [in 20.6 Generator Options]
pkgdefs.h containing build macros [in The Include Directory]
   properties file [in Platform Properties and Startup Properties Files]
pluggable transports [in 2.2.1 Configurable Transports and Message Handlers]
   base class for creating custom transport [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   corresponding listeners [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   creating and using [in 11.1 Overview]
   creating [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
port listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   for Agent servlet container [in 23.2.2 Agent Ports]
   standalone server [in 23.3.2 Standalone Server Ports]
   creating a server [in 8.1 Overview]
   creating a web service client [in 7.1 Overview]
process control [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   stop processing handler chains [in Aborting Handler Processing]
programming components shipped [in 7.3.2 Multithreading]
project file [in 21.2 The Project File]
properties file
   for code generation [in Platform Properties and Startup Properties Files]
   auto-start listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   connect-timeout transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   host listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   keep-alive listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   password transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   port listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   reply-timeout transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   request-backlog listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   request-buffersize listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   request-timeout listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   security-init-seed HTTPS transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   security-init-seed-type HTTPS transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   server-transports.xml configuration file [in 10.4.5 Transport Configuration File Supporting Notification]
   setting transport properties [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   submit-timeout transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   transports [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   user transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
property precedence
   in the code generators [in 20.6.3 Conflicting Options and Property Precedence]
proxy-location transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]


recursive arrays [in A.5.3 Recursive Arrays]
   handling of SOAP references [in A.5 SOAP Encoding]
      [in A.5.2 SOAP-Encoded Built-in Types and References]
   listeners [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   message handlers [in 14.4.4 Register the Handlers]
   transports [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
reply-timeout transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
request URL
   accessing from a service implementation [in 8.3.10 Accessing the Request URL]
request-backlog listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
request-buffersize listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
request-response message pattern [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   [in 2.2.2 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
   [in 9.1 Overview]
   described [in 9.2.2 The Request-Response Pattern]
   implementing on client [in 10.4.2 The Request-Response Service Operation Call]
request-timeout listener property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   addServiceRequestHandler() method [in 14.4.3 Add the Handlers to the Proxy]
   as handlers [in 14.2.2 Request Handlers]
   creating a request handler [in Creating a Request Handler]
   as handlers [in 14.2.3 Response Handlers]
reusable code [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
runtime switching [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   [in 2.2.4 Dynamic Switching at Runtime]
   [in 2.2 Supporting a Dynamic System]
   transport switching [in 11.5.1 Selectable Transports and Listeners]
      [in 11.5.1 Selectable Transports and Listeners]
RWCString class [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
RWDate class [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
RWDateTime class [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
RWDecimalPortable class [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
   [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
rwsf::MessageInfo [in 11.7.1 Request Handling and Threading]
   handler-related methods [in 14.2.3 Response Handlers]
rwsf:doEscape property in proxy [in 7.3.7 Turning off Text Escaping to Improve Performance]
   [in 7.3.7 Turning off Text Escaping to Improve Performance]
   [in 7.3.7 Turning off Text Escaping to Improve Performance]
rwsf:doEscape property [in 8.3.9 Turning off Text Escaping to Improve Performance]
rwsf:requestURLattribute [in 8.3.10 Accessing the Request URL]
rwsfgen.log log file [in 20.3 Invoking the Generator with an XML Schema]
   [in 20.4 Invoking the Generator with a WSDL File]
   detailed procedure for invoking [in 20.2 Invoking the Generator]
   invoking for server generation [in 7.2.2 Invoking the Generator]
      [in 8.2.1 Invoking the Generator]
   invoking [in 5.2 Invoking the Code Generator]
   options [in 20.2 Invoking the Generator]
      [in 5.2 Invoking the Code Generator]
rwsfserver startup script
   options [in 23.2.5 Agent Options]
   overview [in 23.2 Deploying to the Agent]
   list of all options [in 23.2.5 Agent Options]
RWSF_DEFINE_MESSAGE_HANDLER macro [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   [in 14.4.4 Register the Handlers]
   used to register a logger [in 12.3.1 Configuring and Using a Client Logger]
RWSF_HOME environment variable
   specifying a home directory during code generation [in 20.6 Generator Options]
RWXmlDuration class [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
RW_JAVAOPT environment variable [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]


sample code => See code samples.
sample implementations
   described [in 2.1 Overview]
   generated for Hello World example [in 3.4 The Generated Application Samples]
   generated from WSDL [in Sample Application Files]
   not generating [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   to test marshaling in generated datatype classes [in 6.3.4 The Data "main" Sample Application]
   defining XML complex data types [in 2.3 Handling of Complex Datatypes]
   generated code for complex types [in A.4 Complex Types]
   generated sample application [in Sample Application Files]
   long generation times for large schemas [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
   multiple when generating code [in 20.5 Generating Code with Multiple Schemas or WSDLs]
   processing [in 2.1 Overview]
   reducing code generation time for large [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
      [in 20.3.3 Issues with Large Complex Schemas]
      [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   validation [in 20.8.2 Schema Validation]
   rwsfgen [in 5.2 Invoking the Code Generator]
   rwsfserver startup script [in 23.2.5 Agent Options]
secure client [in HTTPS Support]
   HTTPS protocol support [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
      [in HTTPS Support]
security-init-seed HTTPS transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
security-init-seed-type HTTPS transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   authorization [in Authorization]
   HTTPS initiation seed [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   HTTPS listener properties [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   HTTPS transport properties [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   in Hello World example [in 4.1 Overview]
   password transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   secure clients [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
      [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
      [in HTTPS Support]
   servers [in 8.3.2 Service Security]
   support for HTTPS protocol [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
      [in HTTPS Support]
   user transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
selecting transports at runtime [in 11.5.1 Selectable Transports and Listeners]
server message handler skeleton, generating [in 8.2.1 Invoking the Generator]
server subdirectory in code generation directory [in The Codegen Directory]
   [in The App Directory]
server-transports.xml file
   adding standalone server properties [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
   configuring a custom transport [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   described [in 2.2.1 Configurable Transports and Message Handlers]
   format [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
   in conf directory [in The Conf Directory]
   transport properties [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
ServerFault [in 14.2.4 Fault Handlers]
   [in The Generated Abstract Base Class]
   authentication HTTPS transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   building just server components [in 22.5.1 Building just a Client or Server]
   changing default implementation name [in 8.3.7 Using a Different Implementation Name]
   class generation details [in A.2.3 Server-Side Classes]
   deploying [in 3.5.2 Deploying the Service]
      [in 8.2.4 Deploying the Service]
      [in 8.2.3 Compiling the Service]
      [in Deploying with the Makefile]
   generated HTTP transport base class <port>ServletBase [in A.2.3 Server-Side Classes]
   generated implementation base class <portType>Base [in A.2.3 Server-Side Classes]
   generated messaging class <binding>Skeleton [in A.2.3 Server-Side Classes]
   generating a sample standalone server [in 23.3 Standalone Server Implementations]
   implementation base class header file [in The Generated Abstract Base Class]
   implementation issues [in 8.3 Further Options]
   implementing [in 8.2.2 Using the Server Implementation]
   option to not generate [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   sample applications [in 2.1 Overview]
   server sample implementation class [in 8.2.2 Using the Server Implementation]
   session management [in 8.3.6 Session Management]
   SOAP message example [in 15.3.3 Viewing the Results]
service descriptor => See also web.xml
Service-Oriented Architecture => See SOA
ServiceShutdownException [in 23.3.3 Shutting down a Standalone Server]
ServiceSkeletonBase [in Server Classes]
servlet-mapping element in web.xml [in Servlet Configuration File: web.xml]
   customizing [in 23.4 About the Servlet Used by the Service]
session management [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   cancel-session transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   session-config element [in 18.4 Configuring Session Timeouts]
   through custom headers [in 15.4 Uses for Header Support]
   timeouts [in 18.4 Configuring Session Timeouts]
   web service server [in 8.3.6 Session Management]
session timeouts, configuring [in 23.4 About the Servlet Used by the Service]
sessions [in 18.1 Overview]
   [in 8.3.6 Session Management]
setting transport properties [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
simple types
   mapping to C++ types [in A.3 Simple Type Mappings]
   web services participation in [in 2.4 Web Services and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)]
SOAP headers
   adding in Hello World example [in 4.1 Overview]
   adding [in 15.3.1 Client-Side Code]
   example of processing [in 15.3 SOAP Headers Example]
   implementing orchestration [in 15.4 Uses for Header Support]
   implementing session management [in 15.4 Uses for Header Support]
   modifying [in 15.3.2 Server-Side Code]
   role of rwsf::CallInfo [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   rwsf::XmlName used in [in 15.3.1 Client-Side Code]
   support implementation [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   support overview [in 15.1 Overview]
   use scenarios [in 15.4 Uses for Header Support]
   validation [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
SOAP Messages with Attachments specification [in 17.1 Overview]
SOAP messages
   structural validation [in 20.8.3 SOAP Message Validation]
   full support for SOAP headers [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   generated messaging class <binding>Skeleton [in A.2.3 Server-Side Classes]
   handling of SOAP encoding and references [in A.5 SOAP Encoding]
   message example [in 15.3.3 Viewing the Results]
   message headers [in A.6 SOAP Headers]
   mustUnderstand message header attribute [in A.6 SOAP Headers]
   references [in A.5.2 SOAP-Encoded Built-in Types and References]
   SOAP-encoded built-in types [in A.5.2 SOAP-Encoded Built-in Types and References]
   in SOAP encoded arrays [in A.5.1 SOAP-Encoded Arrays]
SoapFaultException [in 8.3.3 Error Reporting and WSDL-Defined Faults]
solicit-response message pattern [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   [in 2.2.2 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]
   [in 9.1 Overview]
   described [in 9.2.5 The Solicit-Response Pattern]
   file naming conventions [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]
   Threads Module [in 7.3.2 Multithreading]
   adding a locale to a SOAP header [in 4.3.1 Add the SOAP Header to the Generated Client]
specifying in WSDL [in 17.3 Working with Attachments]
SSL handshake, disable with ssl-quiet-shutdown transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
ssl-certificate transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
ssl-certificate-chain transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
ssl-private-key transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
ssl-quiet-shutdown transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
standalone server [in 23.3 Standalone Server Implementations]
   code generation option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
      [in 23.3 Standalone Server Implementations]
   multithreaded [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
   options [in 23.3.1 Standalone Server Options]
   ports [in 23.3.2 Standalone Server Ports]
standard library:-STL option to map to standard library datatypes [in 20.6 Generator Options]
state => See also sessions.
   communicated through custom headers [in 15.4 Uses for Header Support]
stateful processes [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
stopMessageProcessing() method [in Aborting Handler Processing]
string conversion
   generated conversion utility class [in 20.4.2 Generated Files]
   performed internally by marshaling classes [in 20.3.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
   architecture of code after compiling [in Compiling Using the Makefile]
   architecture of generated files [in 5.4 Generated Files]
submit-timeout transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
SwA => See SOAP Messages with Attachments specification
switching transports at runtime [in 11.5.1 Selectable Transports and Listeners]
synchronous message patterns [in 13.1 Overview]
   [in 2.2.2 Message Patterns and Asynchronous Messaging]


testing services [in 3.5.3 Testing the Service]
thread-pool-max property in standalone server [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
thread-pool-min property in standalone server [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
   in a standalone server [in 23.3.4 About Configuring a Multithreaded Standalone Server or Listener]
Threads Module [in 7.3.2 Multithreading]
threads => see multithreaded
   used in rwsf::AsyncHandle [in 13.2 The Asynchronous API]
timeouts, configuring for sessions [in 23.4 About the Servlet Used by the Service]
timeouts, session [in 18.4 Configuring Session Timeouts]
transactions [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
transport headers
   not validated [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   role of rwsf::CallInfo [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   support implementation [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   support overview [in 15.1 Overview]
   supporting in custom transports [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   use scenarios [in 15.4 Uses for Header Support]
Transport [in Client Classes]
TransportImp [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   addTransportHandler() method [in 14.4.3 Add the Handlers to the Proxy]
   as named objects [in 16.2 How HydraExpress Uses Named Objects]
      [in 16.2 How HydraExpress Uses Named Objects]
   base class for custom transports [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   cancel-session property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   class attribute of transport element [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
   client-transports.xml configuration file [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
      [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
   configuring [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
      [in 2.2.1 Configurable Transports and Message Handlers]
   connect-timeout property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   creating a corresponding listener [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   creating a custom transport [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   creating a transport handler [in Creating a Transport Handler]
   creating and using [in 11.1 Overview]
   dynamic and configurable [in 2.2 Supporting a Dynamic System]
   generated HTTP transport base class <port>ServletBase [in A.2.3 Server-Side Classes]
   handlers in Agent [in 14.2.1 Transport Handlers]
   handlers [in 14.2.1 Transport Handlers]
   header support [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
      [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   in an asynchronous client [in 13.2 The Asynchronous API]
   making a service transport independent [in 11.5.2 Interchangeable Transports and Listeners]
      [in 11.5.2 Interchangeable Transports and Listeners]
   name attribute of transport element [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
   option for standalone server [in 23.3.1 Standalone Server Options]
   password property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   pluggable [in 2.2.1 Configurable Transports and Message Handlers]
   property descriptions [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   registration macro [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
   reply-timeout property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   runtime switching [in 11.5.1 Selectable Transports and Listeners]
      [in 11.5.1 Selectable Transports and Listeners]
      [in 11.5.1 Selectable Transports and Listeners]
      [in 2.2.4 Dynamic Switching at Runtime]
   security-init-seed HTTPS property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   security-init-seed-type HTTPS property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
      [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   server-transports.xml configuration file [in 11.2 Transport and Listener Configuration Files]
   setting properties [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   submit-timeout property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   synchronous [in 13.1 Overview]
   user property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
   virtual methods in custom transports [in 11.6 Creating a Transport]
troubleshooting:-noclean code generation option [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   logging on the client and server [in 7.3.6 Client-Side Logging]
      [in 8.3.5 Server-Side Logging]


UML diagram of generated classes [in 20.3.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
UNIX debugging [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]
   testing with sample application [in Sample Application Files]
   unmarshal() method in generated datatype classes [in 6.3.2 The Generated Data Classes]
url-pattern element in web.xml [in Servlet Configuration File: web.xml]
   accessing the request URL from a service implementation [in 8.3.10 Accessing the Request URL]
user transport property [in 11.3 Transport and Listener Properties]
user-defined arrays [in A.5.3 Recursive Arrays]
user-defined faults => See faults.


   headers [in 15.2 How Headers Work]
   schemas [in 20.8.2 Schema Validation]
   SOAP message structure [in 20.8.3 SOAP Message Validation]
   warnings for invalid WSDL [in 20.8.1 WSDL Validation]
   obtaining HydraExpress [in 20.6 Generator Options]


WAV files
   sending as attachments [in 17.1 Overview]
web service clients => See clients.
web services
   aborting service processing [in Aborting Handler Processing]
   command line invocation [in 10.2.1 Code Generation Outputs]
   compiling generated code [in 10.5 Running the Service]
   defined [in 2.4 Web Services and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)]
   deploying [in 10.5 Running the Service]
   details of class generation [in A.2 File Generation Conventions]
   example with complex datatype [in 9.1 Overview]
   example with notification [in 9.1 Overview]
   example with one-way messages [in 9.1 Overview]
   operations as native C++ method calls [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
      [in 8.2.2 Using the Server Implementation]
   procedure to create a client [in 7.1 Overview]
   procedure to create a server [in 8.1 Overview]
   role in SOA [in 2.4 Web Services and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)]
web.xml service descriptor
   configuring default session timeouts [in 18.4 Configuring Session Timeouts]
   customizing [in 23.4 About the Servlet Used by the Service]
   described [in 23.2.3 Deploying your Service with the Makefile]
   in conf directory [in The Conf Directory]
WebServiceServlet [in 23.4 About the Servlet Used by the Service]
whitespace option
   in XML documents [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   to eliminate during code generation [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   debugging [in 22.4 Using the Debug Makefiles]
workspace files, MSVC [in 21.3.1 The Top-Level Code Generation Directory]
wrapped document style [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   [in 8.3.8 Wrapped Style Operations]
   code generation details [in A.1 Overview]
   code generation from [in 20.4 Invoking the Generator with a WSDL File]
   defining of fault messages [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
      [in 8.3.3 Error Reporting and WSDL-Defined Faults]
   fault support [in 1.2 HydraExpress Features]
   log file to report code generation warnings [in 20.4 Invoking the Generator with a WSDL File]
   message patterns [in 9.1 Overview]
   multiple when generating code [in 20.5 Generating Code with Multiple Schemas or WSDLs]
   operations as native method calls [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
      [in 8.2.2 Using the Server Implementation]
   part names correspond to parameters in operation methods [in 7.2.4 Using the Client Proxy]
      [in 8.2.2 Using the Server Implementation]
   warnings generated if invalid [in 20.8.1 WSDL Validation]


   parser used in schema validation [in 20.8.2 Schema Validation]
XML binding [in 2.1 Overview]
   generated code in directory data [in 5.4 Generated Files]
XmlBindingBody [in 20.3.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
XmlBindingHandle [in 20.3.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
XmlMarshaller [in 20.3.1 Architecture of the Generated Classes]
XmlName [in 15.3.1 Client-Side Code]
XmlWriter [in 20.6 Generator Options]
   [in 20.6 Generator Options]

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