IMSL C Math Library
Returns information describing the version of the library, serial number, operating system, and compiler.
#include <imsl.h>
char *imsl_version (Imsl_keyword code)
Required Arguments
Imsl_keyword code (Input)
Index indicating which value is to be returned. It must be IMSL_LIBRARY_VERSION, IMSL_OS_VERSION, IMSL_COMPILER_VERSION, or IMSL_LICENSE_NUMBER.
Return Value
The requested value is returned. If code is out of range, then NULL is returned. Use imsl_free to release the returned string.
The function imsl_version returns information describing the version of this library, the version of the operating system under which it was compiled, the compiler used, and the IMSL number.
This example prints all the values returned by imsl_version on a particular machine. The output is omitted because the results are system dependent.
#include <imsl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    char        *library_version, *os_version;
    char        *compiler_version, *license_number;
    library_version  = imsl_version(IMSL_LIBRARY_VERSION);
    os_version       = imsl_version(IMSL_OS_VERSION);
    compiler_version = imsl_version(IMSL_COMPILER_VERSION);
    license_number   = imsl_version(IMSL_LICENSE_NUMBER);
    printf("Library version = %s\n", library_version);
    printf("OS version = %s\n", os_version);
    printf("Compiler version = %s\n", compiler_version);
    printf("Serial number = %s\n", license_number);