Example 1: SVRegression

In this example, support vector regression (\nu-SVR) is applied to a categorical response variable. The fitted values and prediction values are in the right tendency. Compare these to the results from support vector classification (\nu-SVC), which is more appropriate for a categorical response variable.

import com.imsl.datamining.supportvectormachine.*;

public class SupportVectorMachineEx4 {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        SVRegression.VariableType[] ex4DataType = {

        String dashes
                = "--------------------------------------------------------------";

        double C = 50., nu = .01;
        double[][] xyTrain = {
            {1, 0.19, 0.61}, {1, 0.156, 0.564}, {1, 0.224, 0.528},
            {1, 0.178, 0.51}, {1, 0.234, 0.578}, {2, 0.394, 0.296},
            {2, 0.478, 0.254}, {2, 0.454, 0.294}, {2, 0.48, 0.358},
            {2, 0.398, 0.336}
        double[][] xyTest = {
            {1, 0.316, 0.556}, {1, 0.278, 0.622},
            {2, 0.562, 0.336}, {2, 0.522, 0.412}

        /* Construct an SVMRegression. */
        SVRegression svm1 = new SVRegression(xyTrain, 0, ex4DataType);
        double[] fittedValues = svm1.predict();

        System.out.println("\n" + dashes);
        System.out.println(" NU SVR: Training data predicted (fitted) values");
        System.out.println(" Actual  Fitted value | Difference");
        for (int i = 0; i < fittedValues.length; i++) {
            System.out.printf("  %2.1f      %5.4f       %5.4f\n", xyTrain[i][0],
                    fittedValues[i], (fittedValues[i] - xyTrain[i][0]));
        System.out.println("\n" + dashes);
        double[] testPredictedValues = svm1.predict(xyTest);
        System.out.println("\n NU SVR:   Test data predictions");
        System.out.println("  Actual  Prediction  | Difference");
        for (int i = 0; i < testPredictedValues.length; i++) {
            System.out.printf("  %2.1f      %5.4f      %5.4f\n", xyTest[i][0],
                    (testPredictedValues[i] - xyTest[i][0]));

        /* Now use the categorical version and compare results. */
        SVClassification svm2 = new SVClassification(xyTrain, 0, ex4DataType);
        fittedValues = svm2.predict();

        System.out.println("\n" + dashes);
        System.out.println(" NU SVC:  Training data predicted (fitted) values");
        System.out.println(" Actual  Fitted value | Difference");
        for (int i = 0; i < fittedValues.length; i++) {
            System.out.printf("  %2.1f      %5.4f       %5.4f\n", xyTrain[i][0],
                    fittedValues[i], (fittedValues[i] - xyTrain[i][0]));
        System.out.println("\n" + dashes);
        testPredictedValues = svm2.predict(xyTest);
        System.out.println("\n NU SVC:  Test data predictions");
        System.out.println(" Actual  Prediction  | Difference");
        for (int i = 0; i < testPredictedValues.length; i++) {
            System.out.printf("  %2.1f      %5.4f      %5.4f\n", xyTest[i][0],
                    (testPredictedValues[i] - xyTest[i][0]));


 NU SVR: Training data predicted (fitted) values
 Actual  Fitted value | Difference
  1.0      1.3662       0.3662
  1.0      1.3730       0.3730
  1.0      1.4175       0.4175
  1.0      1.4066       0.4066
  1.0      1.3987       0.3987
  2.0      1.5993       -0.4007
  2.0      1.6522       -0.3478
  2.0      1.6249       -0.3751
  2.0      1.6063       -0.3937
  2.0      1.5825       -0.4175


 NU SVR:   Test data predictions
  Actual  Prediction  | Difference
  1.0      1.4436      0.4436
  1.0      1.3972      0.3972
  2.0      1.6485      -0.3515
  2.0      1.5983      -0.4017

 NU SVC:  Training data predicted (fitted) values
 Actual  Fitted value | Difference
  1.0      1.0000       0.0000
  1.0      1.0000       0.0000
  1.0      1.0000       0.0000
  1.0      1.0000       0.0000
  1.0      1.0000       0.0000
  2.0      2.0000       0.0000
  2.0      2.0000       0.0000
  2.0      2.0000       0.0000
  2.0      2.0000       0.0000
  2.0      2.0000       0.0000


 NU SVC:  Test data predictions
 Actual  Prediction  | Difference
  1.0      1.0000      0.0000
  1.0      1.0000      0.0000
  2.0      2.0000      0.0000
  2.0      2.0000      0.0000
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