Returns the coefficient values of the left boundary conditions. There are numLeftBounds conditions specified at the left end, x_{\min}. The left boundary conditions are

            a_i(x,t)f+b_i(x,t)f_x+c_i(x,t)f_{xx} = d_i(x,t),\, x=x_{\min},\, 1 \le i \le \text{numLeftBounds}.

Namespace: Imsl.Math
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:


void LeftBoundaries(
	double time,
	double[,] coefficients
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Sub LeftBoundaries ( _
	time As Double, _
	coefficients As Double(,) _
Visual C++
void LeftBoundaries(
	double time, 
	array<double,2>^ coefficients


Type: System..::.Double
A double, the time point at which the boundary coefficients are to be evaluated.
Type: array< System..::.Double ,2>[,](,)[,]
An output double matrix of dimension numLeftBounds by 4 containing the computed boundary coefficient values. The coefficients are stored row-wise according to the matrix scheme

            ( a_i(x_{\min},t), b_i(x_{\min},t),c_i(x_{\min},t), d_i(x_{\min},t) )_{1 \le i \le \text{numLeftBounds}}\,.


Time dependency of the boundary coefficients can be controlled via method SetTimeDependence. Use of this method will usually yield a more efficient algorithm because some finite element matrices do not have to be reassembled for each t value.

See Also