The error status from the trainer.

Namespace: Imsl.DataMining.Neural
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:


public virtual int ErrorStatus { get; }
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Overridable ReadOnly Property ErrorStatus As Integer
Visual C++
virtual property int ErrorStatus {
	int get ();

Field Value

An int which contains the error status.




Zero indicates that no errors were encountered during training. Any non-zero value indicates that some error condition arose during training.

In many cases the trainer is able to recover from these conditions and produce a well-trained network.

0All convergence tests were met.
1Scaled step tolerance was satisfied. The current point may be an approximate local solution, or the algorithm is making very slow progress and is not near a solution, or StepTolerance is too big.
2Scaled actual and predicted reductions in the function are less than or equal to the relative function convergence tolerance RelativeTolerance.
3Iterates appear to be converging to a noncritical point. Incorrect gradient information, a discontinuous function, or stopping tolerances being too tight may be the cause.
4Five consecutive steps with the maximum stepsize have been taken. Either the function is unbounded below, or has a finite asymptote in some direction, or the maximum stepsize is too small.
5Too many iterations required.

See Also