The angular axis in a polar plot.

Namespace: Imsl.Chart2D
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:


public class AxisTheta : ChartNode
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class AxisTheta _
	Inherits ChartNode
Visual C++
public ref class AxisTheta : public ChartNode


AxisTheta is created by Polar as its child. It can be retrieved using the AxisTheta property.

The angles are labeled using the "TextFormat" attribute, which is set to "0.##\\u00b0", where \\u00b0 is the Unicode character for degrees. This labels the angles in degrees. More generally, "TextFormat" can be set to a NumberFormat object to format the angles in degrees.

"TextFormat" can also be set to a MessageFormat object. In this case, field {0} is the value in degrees, field {1} is the value in radians and field {2} is the value in radians/\pi. So, for labels like 1.5\\u03c0, where \\u03c0 is the Unicode character for \pi, set "TextFormat" to new MessageFormat("{2,number,0.##\\u03c0}").

The number of tick marks ("Number" attribute) is set to 9, but autoscaling can change this value.

Inheritance Hierarchy

See Also