Draws a multiple-group Box plot.

Namespace: Imsl.Chart2D
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:


public class BoxPlot : Data
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class BoxPlot _
	Inherits Data
Visual C++
public ref class BoxPlot : public Data


For each group of observations, the box limits represent the lower quartile (25th percentile) and upper quartile (75th percentile). The median is displayed as a line across the box. Whiskers are drawn from the upper quartile to the upper adjacent value, and from the lower quartile to the lower adjacent value.

Optional notches may be displayed to show a 95 percent confidence interval about the median, at \pm 1.58\ \mbox{\it IRQ}\
            /\sqrt{n}, where IRQ is the interquartile range and n is the number of observations. Outside and far outside values may be displayed as symbols. Outside values are outside the inner fence. Far out values are outside the outer fence.

The BoxPlot has several child nodes. Any of these nodes can be disabled by setting their "IsVisible" attribute to false.

  • The "Bodies" attribute has the main body of the box plot elements. Its fill attributes determine the drawing of (notched) rectangle. Its line attributes determine the drawing of the median line. The width of the box is controlled by the "MarkerSize" attribute.
  • The "Whiskers" attribute draws the lines to the upper and lower quartile. Its drawing is affected by the marker attributes.
  • The "FarMarkers" attribute hold the far markers. Its drawing is affected by the marker attributes.
  • The "OutsideMarkers" attribute hold the outside markers. Its drawing is affected by the marker attributes.

Inheritance Hierarchy

See Also