A data node in the chart tree.

Namespace: Imsl.Chart2D
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:


public class Data : ChartNode
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class Data _
	Inherits ChartNode
Visual C++
public ref class Data : public ChartNode


Drawing of a Data node is determined by the DataType property. Multiple bits can be set in "DataType".

If the DATA_TYPE_LINE bit is set, the line attributes are active.

If the DATA_TYPE_MARKER bit is set, the marker attributes are active.

If the DATA_TYPE_FILL bit is set, the fill attributes are active.

If LabelType is set to something other than the default (LABEL_TYPE_NONE), then the data points are labeled. The contents of the labels are determined by the value of the LabelType property.

The drawing of the labels is controlled with CultureInfo, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo and DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo members) in this node control the drawing of the title.

Inheritance Hierarchy

See Also