A Chart legend.

Namespace: Imsl.Chart2D
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:


public class Legend : AxisXY
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class Legend _
	Inherits AxisXY
Visual C++
public ref class Legend : public AxisXY


Legend is created by Chart as its child. It can be retrieved using the Legend property.

By default the legend is not drawn. To have it drawn, set chart.IsVisisble = true;

Data objects that have their "Title" attribute defined are automatically entered into the legend.

The "Viewport" attribute for this node is set to [0.83,0.98] by [0.1,0.6].

The drawing of the background of the legend box is controlled by the Fill attributes (specified with FillType) in this node. Text attributes (specified with CultureInfo, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo and DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo members) in this node control the drawing of the text strings in the box.

Inheritance Hierarchy

See Also