Classifies patterns into two classes.

Namespace: Imsl.DataMining.Neural
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:


public class BinaryClassification
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class BinaryClassification
Visual C++
public ref class BinaryClassification


Uses a FeedForwardNetwork to solve binary classification problems. In these problems, the target output for the network is the probability that the pattern falls into one of two classes. The first class, P(C_1), is usually equal to one and the second class, P(C_2) equal to zero. These probabilities are then used to assign patterns to one of the two classes. Typical applications include determining whether a credit applicant is a good or bad credit risk, and determining whether a person should or should not receive a particular treatment based upon their physical, clinical and laboratory information. This class signals that network training will minimize the binary cross-entropy error, and that network output is the probability that the pattern belongs to the first class, P(C_1). Which is calculated by applying the logistic activation function to the potential of the single output. The probability for the second class is calculated by P(C_2) = 1 - P(C_1).

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also