A representation of a feed forward neural network.

Namespace: Imsl.DataMining.Neural
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:


public class FeedForwardNetwork : Network
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class FeedForwardNetwork _
	Inherits Network
Visual C++
public ref class FeedForwardNetwork : public Network


A Network contains an InputLayer, an OutputLayer and zero or more HiddenLayers. The nullInputLayer and OutputLayer are automatically created by the Network constructor. The InputNodes are added using the InputLayer.CreateInputs(nInputs) method. Output Perceptrons are added using the OutputLayer.CreatePerceptrons(nOutputs) method, and HiddenLayers can be created using the CreateHiddenLayer().CreatePerceptrons(nPerceptrons) method.

The InputLayer contains InputNodes. The HiddenLayers and OutputLayers contain Perceptron nodes. These Nodes are created using factory methods in the Layers.

The Network also contains Links between Nodes. Links are created by methods in this class.

Each Link has a weight and gradient value. Each Perceptron node has a bias value. When the Network is trained, the weight and bias values are used as initial guesses. After the Network is trained the weight, gradient and bias values are set to the values computed by the training.

A feed forward network is a network in which links are only allowed from one layer to a following layer.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also