Classifies patterns into three or more classes.

Namespace: Imsl.DataMining.Neural
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:


public class MultiClassification
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class MultiClassification
Visual C++
public ref class MultiClassification


Extends neural network analysis to solving multi-classification problems. In these problems, the target output for the network is the probability that the pattern falls into each of several classes, where the number of classes is 3 or greater. These probabilities are then used to assign patterns to one of the target classes. Typical applications include determining the credit classification for a business (excellent, good, fair or poor), and determining which of three or more treatments a patient should receive based upon their physical, clinical and laboratory information. This class signals that network training will minimize the multi-classification cross-entropy error, and that network outputs are the probabilities that the pattern belongs to each of the target classes. These probabilities are scaled to sum to 1.0 using softmax activation.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also