IMSL Statistics Reference Guide > Data Mining > GA_MERGE_POPULATION Function (PV-WAVE Advantage)

Creates a new population by merging two populations with identical chromosome structures.
result = GA_MERGE_POPULATION (population1, population2)
Input Parameters
population1—An existing population with chromosome data structure and encoding identical to population2.
population2—An existing population with chromosome data structure and encoding identical to population1.
Returned Value
result—GA_MERGE_POPULATION returns a new population consisting of the individuals in population1 and population2. population1 and population2 must have the same chromosome data structure and encoding, although they can have different population sizes.
Input Keywords
Print—If present and nonzero, this option turns on printing of the summary statistics for the new population. By default, summary statistics are not printed.
Double—If present and nonzero, then double precision is used.
GA_MERGE_POPULATION creates a new population by combining the individuals and chromosome information from two populations. The chromosome data structure of the populations must be identical.

Version 2017.0
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