VDA Tools > Navigator > Associated VDA Tool Attributes Dialog Box

Associated VDA Tool Attributes Dialog Box
Change attributes of selected VDA Tools used in the Navigator.
VDA Tool Name—Displays the name of the selected VDA Tool to be configured.
Displayed Tool Name—Enter a new name for the VDA Tool.
Accelerator Key—Enter a new accelerator key code.
Accelerator Text—Enter the accelerator text. This text appears on the Tools menu, to the right of the VDA Tool name.
Mnemonic—Enter a mnemonic for the accelerator.
X Position (Pixels)—Specify the X position of the lower left corner of the VDA Tool, in pixels.
Y Position (Pixels)—Specify the Y position of the lower left corner of the VDA Tool, in pixels.
Change Icon—Select this button to change the bitmap used on the VDA Tool icon. This button brings up a file tool used to select a bitmap file for the icon. The current icon is shown to the right of the button. When you change the bitmap, this icon is replaced and the new icon is shown.
OK—Apply the new attributes and dismiss the dialog box.
Apply—Apply the new attributes, but do not dismiss the dialog box.
Reset—Revert to the default settings.
Cancel—Dismiss the dialog box without taking any action.
Help—Display online Help on the dialog box.

Version 2017.0
Copyright © 2017, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.