Reference Guide > B Routines

B Routines
This section contains detailed descriptions of the procedures and functions distributed with PV-WAVE. Most of these system procedures and functions are proprietary. However, source code for some routines is availablesuch routines are called Standard Library procedures and functions.
The following topics are covered in this section:
* BAR Procedure
* BAR2D Procedure
* BAR3D Procedure
* BESELI Function
* BESELJ Function
* BESELY Function
* BILINEAR Function
* BINDGEN Function
* BLOB Function
* BLOBCOUNT Function
* BOUNDARY Function
* BOXPLOT Procedure
* BREAKPOINT Procedure
* BUILD_TABLE Function
* BYTARR Function
* BYTE Function
* BYTEORDER Procedure
* BYTESWAP Procedure
* BYTSCL Function

Version 2017.0
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