Reference Guide > M–N Routines > MOVIE Procedure

MOVIE Procedure
Standard Library procedure that shows a cyclic sequence of images stored in a three-dimensional array.
MOVIE, images[, rate]
Input Parameters
images—A three-dimensional byte array of image data, consisting of nframes images, each dimensioned n-by-m. Thus, the images array is (n, m, nframes). This array should be stored with the top row first (i.e., Order=1) for maximum efficiency.
rate—(optional) The initial rate, in approximate frames per second. If rate is omitted, the inter-frame delay is set at 0.01 second.
Order—Specifies the image ordering:
*1—Orders the images from top down (the default).
*0—Orders the images from bottom up.
The images are displayed in the lower-left corner of the currently selected window.
The rate of display varies with the make of computer, amount of physical memory, and number of frames.
Available memory also restricts the maximum amount of data that can be displayed in a loop.
This example uses MOVIE to cycle through cross-sections of a human head. Order is used to specify that the images are ordered bottom up. The cross-sections are contained in a byte array dimensioned (80, 100, 57).
; Open the file containing the cross sections.
OPENR, unit, !Data_dir + 'headspin.dat', /Get_Lun
; Create a three-dimensional byte array large enough to contain
; all cross-sections.
head = BYTARR(256, 256, 32)
; Read the images.
READU, unit, head
; Close the file and free the file unit number.
FREE_LUN, unit
; Load a color table.
; Cycle through the images.
MOVIE, head, Order=0
See Also

Version 2017.0
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