Reference Guide > R Routines

R Routines
This section contains detailed descriptions of the procedures and functions distributed with PV‑WAVE. Most of these system procedures and functions are proprietary. However, you have access to the source code for some routinessuch routines are called Standard Library procedures and functions.
The following topics are covered in this section:
* RANDOMN Function
* RANDOMU Function
* RDPIX Procedure
* READ Procedures
* READ_AIRS Function
* READ_XBM Procedure
* REBIN Function
* REFORM Function
* REGRESS Function
* RENAME Procedure
* RENDER Function
* RENDER24 Function
* REPLICATE Function
* REPLV Function
* RESAMP Function
* RESTORE Procedure
* RETALL Procedure
* RETURN Procedure
* REVERSE Function
* RGB_TO_HSV Procedure
* RGB_TO_HSV Procedure
* RM Procedure
* RMF Procedure
* ROBERTS Function
* ROT Function
* ROTATE Function
* ROT_INT Function
* ROUND Procedure

Version 2017.0
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