VDA Tools > Navigator > Save Session Dialog Box

Save Session Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to save one or more VDA Tools from the current Navigator session. The VDA Tools are saved in their current state, including all of the data associated with each VDA Tool, the view attributes, and graphics objects. The File=>Restore Session command is used to restore a saved session.
Color table information is not normally stored in Navigator session save files. If you have made changes to the color table that you wish to have restored when you restore your Navigator session, then make sure the WzColorEdit tool is open and included when you save your session and your changes will be restored when the session is restored.
Do not try to restore a saved Navigator Configuration File with the Restore Session dialog. This results in an error similar to:
% Identifiers can only be added or deleted at the main level: NAV_CONFIG.
% TMRESTORETOOLS: /depot/devo/wavecl/manuel/vdatools/navigator1.sav: Bad VDA Tool Restore File.
Use the Restore Configuration dialog.
Select a set of VDA Tools to save—Use <Control>-MB1 to select or deselect VDA Tools in the list.
Session File Name—Enter a filename for the session save file.
Browse—Brings up the File Browse dialog box. This dialog can be used to locate and/or specify a save file.
OK—Save the session in the specified file and dismiss the dialog box.
Apply—Save the session in the specified file, but do not dismiss the dialog box.
Cancel—Dismiss the dialog box without taking any action.
Help—Display online Help on the dialog box.

Version 2017.0
Copyright © 2017, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.