Reference Guide > S Routines > SUM Function

SUM Function
Sums an array of n dimensions over one of its dimensions.
result = SUM (array, dim)
Input Parameters
array—An array of n dimensions of any data type except string.
dimThe dimension over which array is summed. The dim parameter must be a number in the range 0 dim (n1), where n is the number of dimensions in array.
Returned Value
result—A scalar value equal to the sum of the array elements over the specified dimension.
If array is either a single or double-precision complex, or a double-precision floating-point data type, the result is of the same data type. SUM returns a single-precision floating-point value for all other acceptable data types.
This example illustrates SUM being used for a variety of arrays of different sizes.
; Create two arrays, array1, a one-dimensional array with two 
; elements and array2, a two-dimensional array with four
; elements, using FINDGEN.
array1 = FINDGEN(2)
array2 = FINDGEN(2,2)
; Print the arrays then sum each array over each of its dimensions
; and print the result.
PRINT, array1
; PV-WAVE prints: 0.00000      1.00000
PRINT, array2
; PV-WAVE prints the following:
; 0.00000      1.00000
; 2.00000      3.00000
PRINT, SUM(array1, 0)
; PV-WAVE prints: 1.00000
PRINT, SUM(array2, 0)
; PV-WAVE prints: 1.00000      5.00000
PRINT, SUM(array2, 1)
; PV-WAVE prints: 2.00000      4.00000
See Also

Version 2017.0
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