VDA Tools > Navigator > Summary of VDA Tools

Summary of VDA Tools
The PV‑WAVE Navigator provides a single interface for a collection of VDA Tools. The Navigator allows you to start individual VDA Tools, associate VDA Tools with templates, and save and restore sessions.
Some VDA Tools are variable-independent. This means that they can be started without a variable being previously selected. The VDA Tools that do not require a selected variable include:
* WzColorEdit
* WzExport
* WzImport
* WzMultiView
* WzPreview
* WzVariable
Other VDA Tools are variable-dependent. This means that they can only be started if a variable has been previously selected. The VDA Tools that do require a selected variable include:
* WzAnimate
* WzBar
* WzBar3D
* WzContour
* WzHistogram
* WzImage
* WzPie
* WzPlot
* WzSurface
* WzTable

Version 2017.0
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