Reference Guide > System Variables > !Map

The system variable structure for mapping. The structure contains 10 elements providing information about and control of the appearance of output from the MAP procedure. Three of these elements are direct analogs to the ![XYZ] system variables controlling the appearance of the plotting graphics axes. For example, !Map.X.title is equivalent to !X.title, with the former defining the title of the current map plot and the latter defining the default title for all other plotting procedures (AXIS, PLOT, OPLOT, CONTOUR, SURFACE). For each of !Map.X, !Map.Y, and !Map.Z, the structure elements are outputs (read-only), merely providing information on what these values were set to for the most recent map plot. The remaining seven structure elements are defined below. Each element (except for !Map.PT) has a MAP keyword counterpart):
Table 22-2: !Map Structure Elements  
(Output). A two element array of floats defining the current center of the map in longitude, latitude.
A scalar string defining the name of the default PV-WAVE procedure to load map data sets. By default this is:
10 element array of doubles providing a means to pass additional information to all map projections. The only built-in projection methods that use this information are the conic projections. The parameters currently used by the built-in projections are defined as follows:
*parameters(0)—The first secant intersection. (Default: 33 degrees north)
*parameters(1)—The second secant intersection. (Default: 45 degrees north)
(Output) A four element array of floats defining the current position of the map plot within the graphics window, where:
!Map.Position = [Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax]
with the values in normalized coordinates.
NOTE: The !Map.Position variable will only position the map plot itself, and the annotation on the axes may be cut off. If the map plot and its associated annotation must be positioned, use the !P.Region system variable.
(Output) An integer defining the current projection index (see Table 11-2: Map Projections on page 731.
(Output) The homogenous 4 by 4 transformation matrix used if the map projection is Satellite (projection index 99).
A scalar string denoting the name of the user-defined, default, PV-WAVE map projection procedure. If set, !Map.Projection is set to –1.

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