Reference Guide > System Variables > !P.Psym

Corresponding Plot Keyword: Psym
Specifies by reference number a symbol used to mark each data point. Each point drawn by PLOT and OPLOT is marked with a symbol if this field is non-zero. The available symbols and their corresponding reference numbers are shown in Figure 21-1: Plot Symbols with Reference Numbers on page 1933.
The USERSYM procedure creates user-defined symbol (number 8).
For symbol number 10, Histogram, data points are plotted in the histogram mode. Horizontal and vertical lines are connect the plotted points, as opposed to the normal method of connecting points with straight lines.
Negative values of !P.Psym cause the symbol designated by |!P.Psym| to be plotted at each point with solid lines connecting the symbols. For example, a !P.Psym value of –5 plots triangles at each data point and connects the points with lines.

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