Reference Guide > W Routines > WoAddMessage Procedure

WoAddMessage Procedure
Adds a message to a message area created by WoMessage.
WoAddMessage, toolname, message_key
Input Parameters
toolname — (string) Specifies the unique name of the VDA Tool to which the message area is attached.
message_key — A string used to identify a message in a string resource file.
Clear — If nonzero, clears the message area before displaying the message. (Default: Append the message after the currently displayed messages.)
Message — Specifies a string containing a message to display in the message area.
The WoBuildResourceFilename function is used to return the directory in which string resources are stored.
We recommend that you use the Message keyword only if absolutely necessary. In general, “hard coding” messages with this keyword impedes your ability to customize or internationalize your application.
For an example that uses WoAddMessage, see WoMessage Function.
See Also

Version 2017.0
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