VDA Tools > WzBar3D > Bar Attributes Dialog Box (WzBar3D)

Bar Attributes Dialog Box (WzBar3D)
This dialog box is used to set attributes for the Bar Attributes include fill colors, legend position, text size and others.
General Attributes
Shaded Bars—If selected, individual bars are shaded, producing a more pronounced 3D effect.
Outline Bars—If selected, individual bars are outlined with the background color.
X-axis Rotation—A numerical value specifying how many degrees to rotate the bar chart around the x-axis (toward the viewer).
Z-axis Rotation—A numerical value specifying how many degrees to rotate the bar chart around the z-axis.
Axis Attributes
Color—Specifies the color of the axes.
Character Size—Specifies the size of the axis text.
Character Thick—Specifies the thickness of the axis text.
X-Title—Specifies the x-axis title.
Y-Title—Specifies the y-axis title.
Z-Title—Specifies the z-axis title.
X-Ticknames Var—This field lets you enter the name of an array containing numerical values or strings that you wish to use as labels for the x-axis tickmarks. The elements of this variable specify both the number of major tick marks (with no minor tick mark) and their labeling. If this field is blank, the default tick labeling is used.
The specified variable must exist on the $MAIN$ level; it must have the same number of elements as the number of bars; and it must be a 1D variable.
Y-Ticknames Var—This field lets you enter the name of an array containing numerical values or strings that you wish to use as labels for the y-axis tickmarks. The elements of this variable specify both the number of major tick marks (with no minor tick mark) and their labeling. If this field is blank, the default tick labeling is used.
The specified variable must exist on the $MAIN$ level; it must have the same number of elements as the number of bars; and it must be a 1D variable.
Z-Ticknames Var—This field lets you enter the name of an array containing numerical values or strings that you wish to use as labels for the z-axis tickmarks. The elements of this variable specify both the number of major tick marks (with no minor tick mark) and their labeling. If this field is blank, the default tick labeling is used.
The specified variable must exist on the $MAIN$ level; it must have the same number of elements as the number of bars; and it must be a 1D variable.
Row/Column Colors
The functions in this section let you change the colors of rows or columns of bars. You can change row colors or column colors: the two functions are mutually exclusive.
Rows and Columns Lists
These lists let you specify the rows or columns of bars that you wish to fill with color. Any changes that you make to the Row Color or Column Color settings will apply to the selected row(s) or column(s). To select multiple rows/columns, press and drag the left mouse button across the bars you wish to select, or, shift click to select multiple rows/columns.
Set Row Colors—When this button is selected, the Rows list is active, and you can change the color of the rows that are selected in the list.
Set Column Colors—When this button is selected, the Columns list is active, and you can change the color of the columns that are selected in the list.
Row Color—Sets the color of selected rows.
Column Color—Sets the color of selected columns.
OK—Apply the selected attributes and exit the dialog box.
Apply—Apply the selected attributes, but do not exit the dialog box.
Cancel—Dismiss the dialog box without taking any action.
Help—Display online Help on the dialog box.

Version 2017.0
Copyright © 2017, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.