VDA Tools > WzHistogram > How Bin Size and Number of Bins are Calculated

How Bin Size and Number of Bins are Calculated
The relationship between the number of bins in the histogram and the bin size is given by the following expression:
number of bins = ABS(MAX(data) – MIN(data))/bin size
When you select Bin Size as the bin method in the Histogram Attributes dialog box, PV‑WAVE uses the value in the Bin Size text input field as the bin size in the above equation to calculate the number of bins.
If the bin size of the WzHistogram tool is extremely small (i.e. 0.001) then the selected data may not appear to be selected.
When # of Bins is selected as the bin preference in the Histogram Attributes dialog box, PV‑WAVE uses the value in the # of Bins text input field as the number of bins to calculate the bin size:
bin size = ABS(MAX(data) – MIN(data))/number of bins

Version 2017.0
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