VDA Tools > WzTable > Selecting a Cell to Edit

Selecting a Cell to Edit
When a cell is active for editing, it is called the “ current cell.” The current cell is indicated by presence of the I-beam cursor and a bold border around the cell.
The procedures for making a cell active for editing are:
*To make any cell the current cell, click MB1 in the cell. The I-beam cursor appears in the cell and a bold border appears around the cell.
*To move the cursor to the cell on the right of the current cell, press <Tab>.
*To move the cursor to the cell on the left of the current cell, press <Shift> and <Tab> at the same time.
*To move the cursor to the cell above the current cell, press <UpArrow>.
*To move the cursor to the cell below the current cell, press <DownArrow>.
Each time you edit a cell, then move to a new cell for editing, the cell that was just edited is highlighted and the cell you advanced to contains the cursor and displays a bold border. This feature allows you to see the effect of the change to the value in the edited cell in other VDA Tool view windows that are displaying the same variable.

Version 2017.0
Copyright © 2017, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.