Mac OS X Installation > Running PV-WAVE on Mac OS X

Running PV-WAVE on Mac OS X
This section describes how to start PV-WAVE.
Running PV‑WAVE in Interactive Mode from the Applications Folder
The installation process puts a shortcut in the Applications folder to start PV-WAVE. Click on the icon named PV-WAVE to start PV-WAVE in Interactive Mode. This opens a Terminal window and the PV-WAVE prompt appears.
This is a mode where you can interactively enter commands at the WAVE> prompt.
Running PV-WAVE in Interactive Mode in the Mac OS X Terminal
Before running PV-WAVE, the command (UNIX) must be executed. Source the setup file for PV-WAVE:
From a C-Shell:
source <RW_DIR>/wave/bin/wvsetup 
From the Bash-Shell:
. <RW_DIR>/wave/bin/ 
where <RW_DIR> is the path to the main installation directory (e.g., /opt/RW/).
To start 64-bit PV-WAVE, at the operating system prompt type the following:
The PV-WAVE prompt appears.
This is a mode where you can interactively enter commands at the WAVE> prompt.
Running PV-WAVE in runtime mode in the Mac OS X Terminal
In runtime mode, you can run a compiled PV-WAVE application directly from the operating system prompt. When the compiled application is finished running, control returns to the operating system level.
Source the setup file for PV-WAVE:
From a C-Shell:
source <RW_DIR>/wave/bin/wvsetup 
From the Bash-Shell:
. <RW_DIR>/wave/bin/ 
where <RW_DIR> is the path to the main installation directory (e.g., /opt/RW).
To execute a compiled, saved application (files with a .cpr extension) from the OS prompt, enter the following command, where -r specifies runtime mode:
wave -r filename 
Where filename is the name of the compiled application you want to run. The .cpr extension is not used when invoking the application.
In runtime mode PV-WAVE cannot compile applications. Applications may only be compiled when running PV-WAVE in interactive mode.
For information on the COMPILE procedure, see the PV-WAVE Reference.
Running the JWAVE Manager on Mac OS X
JWAVE is available if you have purchased PV-WAVE Advantage. If you have not purchased PV-WAVE Advantage or if you do not intend to use JWAVE, your installation is finished and you can skip this section. Before starting the JWAVE manager, you need to create the JWAVE manager script and the JWAVE configuration file.
To create these files:
cd <RW_DIR>/jwave-3_6/bin
make_config <RW_DIR> <JAVA_BIN_DIR>
Where <RW_DIR> is the installation directory and <JAVA_BIN_DIR> is the JRE directory.
Before running JWAVE, you must first run the manager configuration tool by calling manager config from your <RW_DIR>/jwave-3_6/bin directory to check all of the configuration settings and generate the JWaveConnectInfo.jar file in your <RW_DIR>/classes directory.
To start the JWAVE Manager:
cd <RW_DIR>/jwave-3_6/bin
manager start 
To run JWAVE server demonstration programs, go to <RW_DIR>/classes/jwave_demos and open the file index.html in a Web browser. The JWAVE Manager must be running before you can run the demonstrations.
To shutdown the JWAVE Manager:
cd <RW_DIR>/jwave-3_6/bin
manager shutdown
Refer to the JWAVE User's Guide for information on setting up and configuring the JWAVE server.
The JWAVE User’s Guide is included in the PV-WAVE online help, which is also available on the Rogue Wave Web site.

Version 2017.1
Copyright © 2019, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.