Reference Guide > U–V Routines > vtkSURFGEN Procedure

vtkSURFGEN Procedure
Generates a 3D surface from sampled points assumed to lie on a surface.
vtkSURFGEN, points
Input Parameters
points—A 3, n array of points that lie on a surface.
Reverse—By default, the normals of the computed surface are inward facing. If outward normals are required, set this keyword.
Neighbors—An integer, the number of neighbors each points has. Use a larger value if the spread of points is not even. (Default: 20)
Spacing—A float, the spacing of the 3D sampling grid. If not set, the VTK class makes a reasonable guess.
Filename—An ASCII VTK file to create containing the dataset generated by the VTK filter.
Data—(Output). A returned associative array containing two keys: data("POINTS") is a 3, n float array containing the points generated from the VTK filters, and data("POLYGONS") is a long array containing the indices of the vertices of each polygon. A filename must be defined to have data returned by this keyword.
Name—A string, the name to be used to create this object. If an undefined variable is used or no name is specified, then a random name is used. This name can be used in calls to vtkCOMMAND to modify this object.
Color—The color to use for the generated surface. See vtkWINDOW for possible ways to specify the color. (Default: 'white')
Wireframe—When present and nonzero, a wire-frame mesh is drawn rather than a shaded surface.
LOD—If nonzero, a level-of-detail actor is created to aid in keeping a high frame-rate during frequent render requests due to user mouse interaction. If set to a value greater than 1, the number of points to use in the random cloud.
This routine also accepts these keywords to control the initial camera and the axes (see the vtkSURFACE Procedure and vtkAXES Procedure):
s = TRANSPOSE(random(100, /Sphere, Parameter=3))
vtkSURFGEN, s, /NoAxes
vtkSCATTER, s, /NoAxes, Symb=1, Color='red', Scale=0.5, $
   /NoRotate, /NoErase
See Also

Version 2017.1
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