PV-WAVE Foundation > VDA Tools > Navigator > Associating VDA Tools and Templates
Associating VDA Tools and Templates
When you have configured several VDA Tools with the defaults that you want, and saved template files for each Tool, you can associate each of these template files with their corresponding VDA Tools.
Use the Defaults menu to associate a VDA Tool in the Navigator with a template file.
For example, if you have configured WzImport, WzVariable, and WzImage with new default settings, and saved these defaults in template files, do the following to associate these template files with VDA Tools:
1. Select Defaults=>WzImport. The Default VDA Tool Attributes dialog box appears.
2. In the Default VDA Tool Attributes dialog box, enter the name of the template file that you saved for WzImport.
3. Follow the same procedure for WzVariable and WzImage.
Now, you have a customized Navigator. Whenever you start any of the VDA Tools that you customized from the Navigator, that Tool will obtain defaults from the associated template file.
It is best to associate a template with the type of tool for which the template was created.