Reference Guide

The (Undefined variable: pvwave.waveur) describes the PV‑WAVE functions and procedures, keywords, system variables, fonts, special characters, executive commands, and device drivers.

The topics in this guide are organized as follows:

  • Procedure and Function Reference: A —An alphabetically arranged reference for all PV‑WAVE procedures and functions. Most descriptions include one or more examples and cross references to related information.

  • B Routines—An alphabetically arranged reference for all PV‑WAVE procedures and functions. Most descriptions include one or more examples and cross references to related information.

  • C Routines—An alphabetically arranged reference for all PV‑WAVE procedures and functions. Most descriptions include one or more examples and cross references to related information.

  • Procedure and Function Reference: D —An alphabetically arranged reference for all PV‑WAVE procedures and functions. Most descriptions include one or more examples and cross references to related information.

  • Procedure and Function Reference: E —An alphabetically arranged reference for all PV‑WAVE procedures and functions. Most descriptions include one or more examples and cross references to related information.

  • Procedure and Function Reference: F —An alphabetically arranged reference for all PV‑WAVE procedures and functions. Most descriptions include one or more examples and cross references to related information.

  • Procedure and Function Reference: G —An alphabetically arranged reference for all PV‑WAVE procedures and functions. Most descriptions include one or more examples and cross references to related information.

  • Procedure and Function Reference: H —An alphabetically arranged reference for all PV‑WAVE procedures and functions. Most descriptions include one or more examples and cross references to related information.

  • Procedure and Function Reference: I–L —An alphabetically arranged reference for all PV‑WAVE procedures and functions. Most descriptions include one or more examples and cross references to related information.

  • Procedure and Function Reference: M–N —An alphabetically arranged reference for all PV‑WAVE procedures and functions. Most descriptions include one or more examples and cross references to related information.

  • O —An alphabetically arranged reference for all PV‑WAVE procedures and functions. Most descriptions include one or more examples and cross references to related information.

  • P —An alphabetically arranged reference for all PV‑WAVE procedures and functions. Most descriptions include one or more examples and cross references to related information.

  • Q —An alphabetically arranged reference for all PV‑WAVE procedures and functions. Most descriptions include one or more examples and cross references to related information.

  • R —An alphabetically arranged reference for all PV‑WAVE procedures and functions. Most descriptions include one or more examples and cross references to related information.

  • Procedure and Function Reference: S —An alphabetically arranged reference for all PV‑WAVE procedures and functions. Most descriptions include one or more examples and cross references to related information.

  • T —An alphabetically arranged reference for all PV‑WAVE procedures and functions. Most descriptions include one or more examples and cross references to related information.

  • U–V Routines—An alphabetically arranged reference for all PV‑WAVE procedures and functions. Most descriptions include one or more examples and cross references to related information.

  • W —An alphabetically arranged reference for all PV‑WAVE procedures and functions. Most descriptions include one or more examples and cross references to related information.

  • X–Z —An alphabetically arranged reference for all PV‑WAVE procedures and functions. Most descriptions include one or more examples and cross references to related information.

  • Graphics and Plotting Keywords—Describes the keywords that can be used with the graphics and plotting system routines.

  • System Variables—Describes each of the system variables.

  • Software Character Sets—Shows the software character sets provided by PV‑WAVE.

  • Special Characters —Describes characters with special interpretation and their function in PV‑WAVE.

  • Executive Commands —Describes each of the PV‑WAVE executive commands.

  • PV-WAVE HDF Interface—Discusses how to access HDF base and convenience functions from within PV‑WAVE.

  • Output Devices and Window Systems — Explains how to use the standard graphic output devices and window systems.

  • Summary of User Library Routines (Unsupported)—Lists the routines in the User’s Library.