Image Processing and Color
Color Table Manipulation Routines
Standard Library procedure that displays the current color table colors and their associated color table indices.
Standard Library procedure that generates and loads color tables into an image display device based on the HLS color system. The resulting color table is loaded into the display system.
Standard Library procedure that generates and loads color tables into an image display device based on the HSV color system. The final color table is loaded into the display device.
Standard Library procedure that loads a predefined color table.
Standard Library procedure that lets you replace one of the PV‑WAVE color tables (defined in the colors.tbl file) with a new color table.
Standard Library procedure that creates a pseudo color table based on the Hue, Lightness, Saturation (HLS) color system.
Standard Library procedure that linearly expands the range of the color table currently loaded to cover an arbitrary range of pixel values.
Loads the display color translation tables from the specified variables.
Creates a simple color bar that can be used to view and interactively shift a color table.
Creates a full-featured set of menus and widgets enclosed in a window; this window allows you to edit the values in PV‑WAVE color tables in many different ways.
Creates a simple widget that can be used interactively to modify a PV‑WAVE color table.
Image Display Routines
Creates a horizontal or vertical color bar with associated legends.
Displays images without scaling the intensity.
Manipulates the cursor within a displayed image, allowing it to be enabled and disabled, as well as positioned.
Loads the display color translation tables from the specified variables.
Returns the contents of the specified rectangular portion of a displayed image.
Scales the intensity values of an input image into the range of the image display, usually from 0 to 255, and outputs the data to the image display at the specified location.
Displays images at the current or specified size and device resolution.
Image IO Routines
Retrieves the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) tags, which are described in the function's input file, from an image associative array.
Adds, deletes, modifies, or updates the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) tags in an image associative array to match the image associative array's keys.
Determines that the input variable is an image associative array. The function also checks to make sure that all fields in the image associative array are present.
Quantizes a 24-bit image to 8-bit pseudo color.
Creates an image associative array. See the Discussion section for detailed information on the image format.
Displays an image.
Return the type of a specified image file.
Reads image files and returns an image associative array.
Writes PV‑WAVE graphics to a specified file type.
Quantizes a 24-bit image or LIST of images to 8-bit pseudo color.
Creates an image associative array.
Displays an image or a series of images.
Returns the type of a specified image file.
Reads image files or a series of image files and returns an image associative array or a list array containing the image associative arrays.
Writes the contents of a PV-WAVE image associative array to a file in the specified image format.
Reads the contents of an X-bitmap (XBM) file into a PV‑WAVE variable.
Writes an image to an X-bitmap (XBM) file.
Image Processing Routines
Applies an affine transformation to an array.
Isolates a homogeneous region in an array.
Counts homogeneous regions in an array.
Computes the boundary of a region in an array.
Standard Library function that shrinks or expands an image or array.
Convolves an array with a kernel (or another array).
Standard Library function that defines an irregular region of interest within an image by using the image display system and the mouse.
Differentiates a function represented by an array.
Standard Library function that constructs finite impulse response digital filters for signal processing.
Implements the morphologic dilation operator for shape processing.
Standard Library function that generates a square array in which each element equals the Euclidean distance from the nearest corner.
Implements the morphologic erosion operator for shape processing.
Returns the Fast Fourier Transform for the input variable.
Standard Library function that implements a window function for Fast Fourier Transform signal or image filtering.
Standard Library function that returns a histogram-equalized image or vector.
Returns the density function of an array.
Standard Library procedure that overlays a contour plot onto an image display of the same array.
Standard Library function that performs image smoothing by applying the Lee Filter algorithm.
Finds the median value of an array, or applies a one- or two- dimensional median filter of a specified width to an array.
Computes moments of an array.
Standard Library procedure that shows a cyclic sequence of images stored in a three-dimensional array.
Finds the neighbors of specified array elements.
Performs polynomial warping of images.
Returns a vector containing the subscripts of the array elements contained inside a specified polygon.
Standard Library procedure that calculates the co’s needed for a polynomial image warping transformation.
Standard Library function that extracts a profile from an image.
Standard Library procedure that lets you interactively draw row or column profiles of the image displayed in the current window. The profiles are displayed in a new window, which is deleted when you exit the procedure.
Standard Library procedure that displays the X, Y, and pixel values at the location of the cursor in the image displayed in the currently active window.
Returns a vector or array resized to the given dimensions.
Reformats an array without changing its values numerically.
Resamples an array to new dimensions.
Performs a Roberts edge enhancement of an image.
Standard Library function that rotates and magnifies (or demagnifies) a two-dimensional array.
Standard Library function that rotates and magnifies (or demagnifies) an image on the display screen.
Returns a rotated and/or transposed copy of the input array.
Shifts the elements of a vector or array along any dimension by any number of elements.
Standard Library procedure that displays a two-dimensional array as a combination contour, surface, and image plot. The resulting display shows a surface with an image underneath and a contour overhead.
Smooths an array with a boxcar average of a specified width.
Performs a Sobel edge enhancement of an image.
Transposes the input array.
Standard Library procedure that expands and displays part of an image (or graphic plot) from the current window in a second window.