VRML_LIGHT Procedure
Sets up the light source for a VRML world.
VRML_LIGHT, position
Input Parameters
position—A 3-element array specifying the positioning of the light source.
Color—A 3-element array of RGB values, in the range of 0 to 255. (Default: [255, 255, 255], the color white)
Intensity—A number normalized from 0 to 1, where 1 is full intensity. (Default:1)
VRML supports three node types to control lighting. The VRML_LIGHT procedure implements one of the types, the PointLight, which emanates light radially in all directions.
See the VRML_SPOTLIGHT procedure for another implementation of the VRML node types to control lighting.
VRML_OPEN, 'vrml_light.wrl'
VRML_LIGHT, [-1, -1, 0], Color = [255, 0, 0], Intensity = 1.0
See Also
For a discussion of VRML lighting, see The VRML Sourcebook, by Andrea L. Ames, et al., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996, Chapter 19.