6.2 An Example Using the Linear Algebra and Essential Tools Modules
Classes of the Business Analysis Module can be used with other SourcePro C++ modules to solve specialized problems in business and research. The following example uses classes of both the Linear Algebra Module and the Essential Tools Module. In this example, a number of systems of equations are solved by means of a single LU decomposition. The collection classes of the Essential Tools Module are useful for managing these huge amounts of data.
First, the program reads a matrix from the standard input stream. The symmetric matrix RWSymMat<double> is decomposed, if possible, by creating an RWSymFact<double> object. The program then creates an Essential Tools Module list object, RWTPtrDlist<DoubleVec>, which holds the vectors for solving the system. The list is filled until the end of file is reached; vectors are stored by pointers. Finally, the systems are solved using the list iterator RWTPtrDist::iterator from the Essential Tools Module, and the solutions are printed.
Example 5 – Using the Linear Algebra, Essential Math, and Essential Tools Modules
// This example uses classes from three modules: Linear Algebra,
// Essential Math, and Essential Tools. It declares a matrix A,
// reads the collection of vectors b, and solves the equation Ax=b
// for every vector in the collection.
// From the Linear Algebra Module
#include <rw/lapack/symmat.h>
#include <rw/lapack/symfct.h>
// From the Essential Math Module
#include <rw/math/mathvec.h>
// From the Essential Tools Module
#include <rw/tpdlist.h>
// From the C++ Standard Library
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
int main()
// Declare a matrix of doubles
RWSymMat<double> A;
cout << "Please input the size of the symmetric matrix\n"
<< "followed by its contents\n"
<< "in the form 3x3 [4 5 7 7 9 5 2 3 6]." << endl;
// Read matrix from input stream
cin >> A;
// Construct and check factorization
RWSymFact<double> LU(A);
if (LU.fail()) {
cout << "Could not solve system, "
<< "A is probably singular"
<< endl;
return 1;
// Declare a pointer to vector of doubles
RWMathVec<double>* ptr;
// Declare list of pointers to vectors of doubles
RWTPtrDlist<RWMathVec<double> > blist;
cout << "Please input the vectors to be multiplied\n"
<< "followed by EOF.\n"
<< "Use the form [9 5 2]." << endl;
// Read all vectors from input stream until EOF
while (true) {
// Allocate memory for vector
ptr = new RWMathVec<double>();
// Read vector
cin >> *ptr;
// Check if EOF read
if (cin.eof()) {
// If yes, stop iterating
delete ptr;
// Insert vector to list
// Declare iterator for list of vectors
RWTPtrDlist<RWMathVec<double> >::iterator iter =
// For all vectors in list, solve equation
// using LU decomposition prepared before
for (int i = 1; iter != blist.end(); ++iter, ++i) {
cout << "Solution # " << i << " is x = "
<< LU.solve(**iter) << endl;
// Don't forget to clean up all elements in list!
return 0;
Program output:
Please input the size of the symmetric matrix
followed by its contents
in the form 3x3 [4 5 7 7 9 5 2 3 6].
3x3 [4 5 7 7 9 5 2 3 6]
Please input the vectors to be multiplied
followed by EOF.
Use the form [9 5 2].
[9 5 2]
Solution # 1 is x = [
-3.5 3.33333 -0.166667