2.13 Error Messages: Contents of RWDBStatus
Oracle OCI does not distinguish between errors originating from the server and errors generated within OCI itself. All errors are reported in the same manner, without classification. All errors associated with the status are reported.
The format of an RWDBStatus error report from an Oracle Server follows. The RWDBStatus::message contents are obtained by converting the return code into the appropriate message through the OCIErrorGet() call of OCI.
*errorCode: RWDBStatus::serverError if OCI_ERROR was received, otherwise RWDBStatus::serverMessage.
*message: "[SERVERERROR] %s" or "[SERVERMESSAGE] %s", replacing %s with the error text from the OCIErrorGet() call
*vendorMessage1: Unused
*vendorMessage2: Unused
*vendorError1: Error code from the OCIErrorGet() call.
*vendorError2: Unused