Installing and Building Your SourcePro® C++ Products : Chapter 3 Buildspec Details : Module-Specific Questions : Threads Module
Threads Module
NOTE >> All questions related to the Threads Modules are advanced questions. They are visible only when the Show advanced questions box is selected on the Options dialog’s Advanced Questions tab.
Tracing Question
This option sets the level of trace information produced from trace-enabled user code.
The default setting, Disabled, preserves no tracing output, and results in all references to the tracing package being compiled out of code. This results in smaller, faster executables at the cost of execution tracing information.
For all other trace levels, tracing code is compiled in, resulting in larger and potentially slower executables. Selecting the Entry/Exit trace level results in trace event generation for every traceable function, which can have a negative effect on application performance. For more information about the tracing mechanism, refer to the Threads Module User’s Guide.
Performance Option (Windows)
If you are using a Windows-based operating system, you must select whether or not you want to implement an RWMutexLock based on CRITICAL_SECTION.
Applications that use this implementation can significantly increase their performance speed. However, implementing this feature will make those applications undeployable on some platforms and unable to use certain methods.