Installing and Building Your SourcePro® C++ Products : Chapter 3 Buildspec Details : Module-Specific Questions : Essential Math Module
Essential Math Module
When building the Essential Math Module, you must indicate the type of Basic Linear Algebra Library to be used.
Basic Linear Algebra Library Selection
Select which Basic Linear Algebra (BLA) library to use, which is required by the Math Module.
NOTE >> The Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL) and the Sun Performance Library (SPL) are performance-enhanced libraries for their respective platforms. On AIX and HPUX, this screen does not display and Netlib CLAPACK is automatically selected because Rogue Wave has not certified these platforms for any performance-enhanced libraries with the Math Module.
MKL or CLAPACK Selection
If you select the MKL or CLAPACK, you must specify whether you want to use a previously installed version or the version provided by Rogue Wave, which is the default:
MKL or CLAPACK Location
For MKL and CLAPACK, if you selected “Use my own installation of the MKL” or “Use my own installation of CLAPACK” in the selection window, specify the location of the previously installed version.
When entering the absolute path to the library, be sure to enter the path up to the subdirectory where it is stored. For example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Composer XE\mkl\lib\ia32\lib for the MKL or C:\clapack\windows\ia32-msvc-9.0\lib for CLAPACK.