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virtual void InitializeGridComponents(CGXGridCore* pGrid);


Pointer to the grid object.


This method is called from each grid at initialization time (from OnGridInitialUpdate() to be more concrete). It instantiates concrete implementations for grid features and attaches the instantiated object to the grid. The grid will keep the object alive until the grid gets out of scope. When the grid is destructed all grid feature objects will be destroyed. This method instantiates objects that are used by particular grids (referred to by pGrid).

Here is how your override of InitializeGridComponents might look:

void CGXControlFactory::InitializeGridComponents(CGXGridCore* pGrid)


// InitializeGridComponents is called from CGXGridCore

// constructor. No window been created for the grid yet.

// m_pGridWnd is NULL.

// Do not use pGrid->m_pGridWnd!


// General grid components - enable them in the control

// factory so that all grids in your application behave

// similar. You can enable/disable the behavior for individual

// grid with CGXGridParam settings (e.g. EnableMoveRows,

// EnableSelection etc).

pGrid->ImplementFindReplace();// Find and Replace

pGrid->ImplementHideCells();// Hiding rows and columns

pGrid->ImplementAutoScroll();// AutoScrolling,

// SpeedScrolling

pGrid->ImplementResizeToFit();// Resize Cells to fit size

pGrid->ImplementUpdateHint();// Update Hint mechanism

pGrid->ImplementUndoRedo();// Undo and Redo

pGrid->ImplementGridSort();// Sorting rows or columns

pGrid->ImplementOldDrawing();// Old drawing (for backward

// compatibility)

pGrid->ImplementCoveredCells();// Covered Cells

pGrid->ImplementMergeCells();// Merge Cells

pGrid->ImplementFloatCells();// Floating Cells

pGrid->ImplementPrinting();// Printing

pGrid->ImplementUserSelectRange();// Select cell ranges with

// mouse or keyboard

pGrid->ImplementExcelLikeFrame();// Excel-like Selection Frame

pGrid->ImplementUserDragSelectRange();// Drag selected rows or

// columns with mouse

pGrid->ImplementUserResizeCells();// Resize rows or columns

// with mouse

pGrid->ImplementOptimizedUpdate();// Optimized update for

// inserting, moving and

// removing rows and columms

pGrid->ImplementMarkEditHeader();// Outline row and column

// header of current cell

pGrid->ImplementFreezeMenuHelper();// FreezeRows, UnfreezeRows

// (and ..Cols) methods

pGrid->ImplementDirectCopyMoveCells();// Direct copying, moving

// of cells within one grid

pGrid->ImplementTextDataExchange();// CSV text file and

// clipboard data exchange

pGrid->ImplementStyleDataExchange();// CGXStyle binary file and

// clipboard data exchange

pGrid->ImplementCutPaste();// Cut, Copy and Paste methods

pGrid->ImplementClearCells();// ClearCells method

#if _MFC_VER >= 0x0400

pGrid->ImplementToolTips();// Tool-tips




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