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CGXChild Class Members


CGXChild Constructs a control object.


SetRect Specifies the drawing rectangle in window coordinates for the child.
GetRect Returns the drawing rectangle window coordinates for the child.
Intersects Determines if the passed CPoint is in the drawing rectangle.
HasFocus Determines if the CGXChild is the current active child of the control.
SetText Specifies the text to be displayed in the CGXChild.
GetText Returns the text which is displayed in the CGXChild.
Grid Returns a pointer to the CGXGridCore object.
GridWnd Returns a pointer to the grid’s CWnd object.


Draw Draws the child.
Refresh This method is called to refresh the child.
MouseMove Called when the user is moving the mouse with a clicked mouse button.
MouseMoveOver Called from CGXControl::MouseMoveOver when the user is moving the mouse without having pressed a mouse button.
LButtonDown Called when the user has pressed the left mouse button.
LButtonUp Called when the user has released the left mouse button.
LButtonDblClk Called when the user has double-clicked the left mouse button.
MButtonDown Called when the user has pressed the middle mouse button.
MButtonUp Called when the user has released the middle mouse button.
MButtonDblClk Called when the user has double-clicked the middle mouse button.
RButtonDown Called when the user has pressed the right mouse button.
RButtonUp Called when the user has released the right mouse button.
RButtonDblClk Called when the user has double-clicked the right mouse button.
KeyPressed Called when the user has pressed a key and the CGXChild is the current active child of the control.
OnGridChar KeyPressed will call this overridable for WM_CHAR messages.
OnGridDeadChar KeyPressed will call this overridable for WM_DEADCHAR messages.
OnGridDoubleByteChar KeyPressed will call this overridable for WM_CHAR messages.
OnGridKeyDown KeyPressed will call this overridable for WM_KEYDOWN messages
OnGridKeyUp KeyPressed will call this overridable for WM_KEYUP messages
OnGridSysChar KeyPressed will call this overridable for WM_SYSCHAR messages
OnGridSysColorChange Called for every registered control in a grid when the grid receives a WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE message.
OnGridSysDeadChar KeyPressed will call this overridable for WM_SYSDEADCHAR messages.
OnGridSysKeyDown KeyPressed will call this overridable for WM_SYSKEYDOWN messages.
OnGridSysKeyUp KeyPressed will call this overridable for WM_SYSKEYUP messages.
OnGridWinIniChange Called for every registered control in a grid when the grid receives a WM_WININICHANGE message.


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