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CGXComboBoxWnd Class Members


CGXComboBoxWnd Constructs a combo box window control object.


m_bDispChoice Specifies if the cell should display the integer value or the entry from the choice list in the cell when m_nIndexValue has been set. If m_nIndexValue is equal to -1, changing m_bDispChoice has no effect.
m_bDropDownOnClick Specifies if the dropdown-list (if the control has the CBS_DROPDOWNLIST style) shall automatically drop down the list box portion when the user clicks the first time in the cell. This setting does not have any effect if the combo box does not have the CBS_DROPDOWNLIST style.
m_bFillWithChoiceList Specifies if the combo box should be filled with the choice list. If it is TRUE, data will be retrieved from choice list. You should set this attribute FALSE if you want to implement an owner-drawn-combo box.
m_bForceInsideCell Specifies whether the combo box shall be forced to draw inside the cell when it receives the focus. If m_bForceInsideCell is FALSE (default), the combo box will be drawn slightly larger than the cell, so that the cell text is not clipped.
m_bInactiveDrawAllCell Specifies whether the combo box shall draw text over the pushbutton if it is hidden. If the attribute is TRUE, the text will be drawn over the hidden button. The default setting is FALSE, which means that the text is clipped even if the pushbutton is not visible.
m_bInactiveDrawButton Specifies whether the pushbutton shall be drawn even if the cell is not the current cell. If the attribute is TRUE, the button will be drawn. The default setting is FALSE, which means that the button is only drawn for the current cell.
m_bSizeToContent Specifies if the window rectangle for the combo box shall be computed on the font and cell size. m_bSizeToContent is FALSE by default.
m_bWantArrowKeys Specifies if the combo box shall interpret all arrow keys. If it is TRUE, arrow keys will be interpreted; if it is FALSE, arrow keys will be passed to the grid.
m_nExtraFrame Specifies the extra frame for the combo box in cell. This is typically 1 for a normal combo box (Windows 3.1) and 3 for combo box with 3d-effect (Windows 95).
m_nIndexValue Specifies if the value (CGXStyle::SetValue) stored for the combo box shall be an index or the item text. If m_nIndexValue is -1, the item text is stored; if it is 0, a zero-based index is stored and if it 1, a one-based index is stored.


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