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CGXDSplitWnd  Class Members


Create Create a dynamic splitter window.
CreateStatic Create a static splitter window.
CreateView Create view window for each pane.


IdFromRowCol Convert row-column index into ID of the pane.
GetPane Get the pointer to the child window in the given pane.
IsChildPane Check if a given window is child window of any pane.
GetRowInfo Get size information of a row.
SetRowInfo Set size information of a row.
GetColumnInfo Get size information of a column.
SetColumnInfo Set size information of a column.
GetRowCount Get row count of this splitter window.
GetColumnCount Get column count of this splitter window.
GetScrollStyle Get the shared-scrollbar style.
SetScrollStyle Set scrollbar style for the shared-scrollbar of this splitter window.
RecalcLayout Reposition the panes and the shared scrollbar.


OnDrawSplitter Draw the splitter of this splitter window.
OnInvertTracker Draw the ghost rectangle during mouse tracking.
SplitRow Split row at given position.
SplitColumn Split column at given position.
DeleteRow Delete a given row.
DeleteColumn Delete a given column
DoKeyboardSplit Split window using keyboard.
DoScroll Scroll this splitter window
DoScrollBy Scroll this splitter window by given amount.


Class Overview

Member Functions