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CGXExcelDocAdapter Class Members


CGXExcelDocAdapter Constructs a CGXExcelDocAdapter class instance.


InitializeParam Initilize the parameter object associated with the index that is passed in
ReadExcelData Reads the Excel file
UpdateTabCount Synchronize tab count with the contained Excel reader.


ExcelSerializeImpl Serialize to an Excel file
ExcelWorkBookSerializeImpl Serialize to Objective Grid native format


GetParam Returns the parameter object associated with the tab at the index passed in
GetGrid Returns the grid instance that is at the specified index
GetIndex Return the index of the object that is passed in.
GetParentDoc Does an upcast to CGXDocument and returns this.
GetTabWnd Returns the CGXTabWnd instance that is associated with the workbook (that is associated with this adapter)
GetWriteAsExcel Returns TRUE if the file is to be written as an Excel file; FALSE if it is to be written in native grid format.
SetWriteAsExcel Sets whether the file is written as Excel file or as native Objective Grid format.
IsExcelFile Checks whether the file that is specified in an Excel file.
GetExcelReader Return the CGXExcelReader instance that is associated with this document adapter.
GetTabCount Returns the tab count that is associated with this adpater.
SetWaitMode TRUE to set wait mode; FALSE otherwise
GetWaitMode Returns the wait mode. No intialization takes place.
SetFilePath Set the path of the file that is to be used for read/write
GetFilePath Returns the path of the file that is to be used for read/write


Class Overview